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Connect with the Living Land Program this Spring

Deepen your relationship with plants, the natural world and the cycling seasons with this foundational course in home herbalism and ecological gardening, based upon the Wheel of the Year. Offered both online and in-person, the in-person class begins April 29, at Muddy River Herbals farm, in Canton, Massachusetts, and takes place once a month through October; the online class is ongoing.

This joyful program features medicine making, plant profiles, earth connection practices and holistic gardening techniques. The seasonally inspired content is rich, layered and presented in a way that is easy to digest and understand. Classes include lessons on practical, tangible and down-to-earth skills which are woven together with practices of the heart and spirit. Each gathering is focused on the energies of the season and the importance of plants that sustain not only us but the birds, pollinators and other local creatures. It offers people the opportunity to reconnect with their natural environment, wherever they may live.

For more information, call 617-504-1714 or visit LivingLand.Teachable.com.