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Protests - Issues of Injustice

These thought provoking images were taken during protests sparked by acts of injustice.

From the outset whilst writting this background information to introduce these photographs and this sensitive subject I realised I have no personal knowledge, expreince or insights into the reasons why these events took place and why they escalated. I have therefore only been able to base the words used in this artcle on the information I have available on the web. And as such they should only be used as an introduction to the photographs rather than factual information pertaining to the reason behind the passionate responce to life changing events that led to the protest.

There is always a reason, a trigger event that sparks a protest and these have been know to include:

• Injustice and discrimination: Protests often arise in response to perceived injustices or discrimination, such as police brutality or racial profiling.

• Environmental issues: Protests can also be related to environmental issues, such as climate change or the destruction of natural habitats.

• Human rights: Protests may also be related to human rights issues, such as violations of freedom of speech, assembly, or religion.

In the case of Minneapolis it was triggerd by the killing of an African American man by a police officer. The outrage and passion triggered by this tragic event quickly spread to other cities in the United States and around the world, as people expressed their anger.

Some of the protests were peaceful, while others turned violent, with looting, arson, and clashes between protesters and police.

The Minnesota National Guard was activated to assist law enforcement in controlling the protests, and a curfew was imposed in the city to try and restore order.

The officer in question was later found guilty of murder and manslaughter charges sentenced to 22.5 years in prison.