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RealNifty bridges the gap between physical and digital when it comes to NFTs. With a focus on fine art and other creative areas such as fashion, music and collectibles, we see ourselves as a unique and much-needed NFT marketplace and agency with an aim to connect inventive utilities.

The NFT marketplace is embedded with logistics solutions to make sure real-life delivery options are instantly available upon purchase. This allows them to stand out amongst the crowd. Being a curated marketplace also means they can tailor the best NFT collections and drops that have true utility.

Founded in 2021, RealNifty's mission has always aimed towards improving the link between the physical and digital when it comes to NFTs. There have been difficulties within the industry bringing these two worlds together in a way that was useful to the consumer and easy to navigate.

CEO and co-founder Jamie Parmenter has been in the space for around 3 years, originally starting in the music business where he founded the music community and platform, Vinyl Chapters. He transitioned to web3 when he realised the power of the technology, but also its limitations at the time.

“My first step into the space was when I purchased a music NFT with a physical component, a vinyl record deliverable in real life. Blockchain technology is amazing but, back then, when linking to real-life items, it had limitations. I didn’t receive the physical vinyl record for 10 months after purchase and at one point I was being charged $100 for delivery!”

With this in mind, Parmenter wanted to improve the link between physical and digital in the web3 space. He met co-founder and chairman George Luecke and connected with like-minded people, eventually forming RealNifty.

Leucke has a fine arts background and previously oversaw the creation of a fine art title insurance company. This was before blockchain tech was a thing, but he now also saw the opportunity to improve the physical and digital connection with the technology.

Parmenter and Luecke set about creating RealNifty as an NFT agency and revolutionary marketplace for the physical AND digital.

“We aim to continuously improve the link between physical and digital when it comes to NFTs” says Parmenter. “Whether it be with real-life products, real-life experiences, or digital experiences, the connection between the mediums needs to be easy, fast and improve on what has come before.”

1. We’re a curated marketplace for starters. We want to offer up the best creators and projects the industry has to offer. Creators have to go through an application process to be granted access to our creator tools.

2. We’re also embedded natively with logistics solutions to make sure real-life delivery options are seamless and hassle-free. This hasn’t been done before on such a grand scale and we’re happy to be the first. Our goal is to make sure physical and real-life elements are transacted in a much more efficient way than what is currently available with other NFT marketplaces.

3. On top of this, community is key for us. Emotion, storytelling, and purpose are our mission. Want to contact an artist about a piece of their work? You can do this directly through the marketplace with our messaging system. Plus you can join us for community engagement sessions where you can talk directly to your favourite creators.

4. We aim to make learning web3 fun and engaging. We also have metaverse galleries to experience our artist's work in a new way. You will be able to chat with fellow collectors and the artists themselves at RealNifty events. Education in the space is very important. Web3 and NFTs are a new industry that can be confusing for some. RealNifty, therefore, wanted to be a place for learning in the web3 space.

“We want to make it accessible to everyone, no matter your level of expertise. We aim to do this through conversations, guidance, community building, live events and more.” says Parmenter.

As an agency, RealNifty also helps build out strategies, drive concept development and offer that all-important creative support for those looking to build out an NFT project. But they offer to be as hands off or on as the client wants.

Ease of Use

RealNifty is a truly easy-to-use platform for those already well-versed in web3 and also those taking their first steps into the space. The team wanted to make sure the marketplace was simple for creatives and artists looking to sell their work, as well as those wanting to purchase.

“This was important for us to get right” says Parmenter. “We understand that the fine art industry and other creatives are still getting to grips with web3. We wanted to be a platform that was simple to use, both as buyers and sellers. We welcome newcomers and revel in the chance to show them, and teach them, how NFTs can open new audiences to their artwork. In the past, we’ve literally been on the phone with people helping them set up cryptowallets and explaining to them what cryptocurrency is all about.”

The team realise there are some difficulties in taking those first steps in web3 and that in order to appeal to a wider audience, these barriers of entry need to be overcome. This is why they are also working on a new system that will allow buyers to purchase NFTs with normal currency rather than cryptocurrency say Parmenter. “We want to open the doors to everyone and that’s why our dev team are working on something really special to make the process of purchasing as simple and easy as possible. With our already integrated delivery system for real-life items and artwork, we feel we’re already ahead of the game when it comes to ease of use.”

It really is easy for artists to upload their work on RealNifty. Being a curated marketplace, you just have to apply through their application form located on the site, and from there, the team use a stream-lined criteria to decide whether or not a submitted collection gains access to the site. Once decided, the creator is given access to ‘creator tools’ in order to mint NFTs and attach physical items for delivery in the real world. It’s a process that RealNifty provides support with and is always on hand to help out if necessary.

As a collector, you also get a feeling of safety when purchasing NFTs on RealNifty. Because you can redeem any physical items attached to NFTs directly after purchase, and directly through the marketplace, its a lot more straightforward than other sites. On other platforms you may have to send an email to arrange delivery off-platform which comes with issues of security and also trust - you’re at the mercy of not knowing if the order will be fulfilled. With RealNifty, it’s all arranged through the marketplace system and they stay in contact for the entire delivery journey. Your also able to contact the artist or creator if you have any further questions about the work. It’s all very clever.

Delivery options to suit both buyer and seller

With RealNifty’s unique delivery system, any redeemable physical items attached to an NFT easily redeemable for the owner, and also an easy process to set up for the seller.

When minting, the seller has the opportunity to set available delivery options. If they want to be more hands on, the creator can select an option to pack and deliver the piece themselves and just receive labels for delivery. For those not worried about this, packing, pickup and delivery options are also available.

For the purchaser, they don;’ have to worry - everything is insured incase of damage and they can choose from different delivery methods at varying costs, from basic packing and delivery to fine art pickup and even, for example, professional hanging of paintings nce delivered.

As an agency, RealNifty also helps build out strategies, drive concept development and offer that all-important creative support for those looking to build out an NFT project. But they offer to be as hands off or on as the client wants.

Agency Specific

“Creators sometimes just want to create” states Parmenter. If they want to learn web3, we’re here to help, but if they want us to take the lead on strategy, building, and promoting, we’re here to do that, too. NFTs are our passion, whilst also helping those that need help transitioning from web2 to web3.”

As an agency, RealNifty help to build out strategies, drive concept development and offer that all-important creative support for those looking to build out an NFT project. With a range of ‘pick and choose’ services or a full package approach including marketing, strategizing, web development and more, it truly is in the hands of the creator how far they want to dive into web3, as Parmenter goes on to explain.

RealNifty already has a successful NFT project under their belt with Mosaic NFT - a digital and physical drop that implemented purchaser collaboration and creativity by having a hand in their own artwork by matching physical and digital pieces.

“This was really fun” says Parmenter. “Our dev team created this fantastic grid where purchasers could input 9 of these digital NFT ‘tiles’ into a design of their choice. We were working with an amazing artist, Matt Vegh. Once the user had settled on a design, this would be sent to Matt who would then recreate the piece using the physical tiles. The buyer would end up with both a physical and digital NFT. “

Why web3 is important for the art industry?

“Some might not know it yet, but blockchain tech and web3 is the future of many industries. This is why people should be interested. We’re taking our first steps with this technology, much like with the early days of the internet. Use cases are contiuniosuly being developed and found Art has a big future in that respect. The digital and physical will be linked in even more unique ways, the majority of art will be logged for athetnticy on chain, and artists will continue to sell there work in online marketplaces. It just makes sense.”

Connections to the metaverse

RealNifty also sees a big future for artwork and the metaverse. It’s a way for artists to grow their fanbase and introduce art to those that may not feel comfortable stepping into real-life galleries or don’t have access to them. An artist in Brazil can now showcase their artwork in a gallery to someone in Australia without the need to travel. The fine art industry has always felt a bit closed to some and now metaverses are starting to open that world.

RealNifty already has a gallery in a metaverse called portals, displaying their current batch or artist’s work nad available for purchase. They’re also opening up another gallery and event space within the Spatial metaverse. It’s important to give people options when it comes to virtual gallers explains parmenter. We want to create a welcoming atmosphere for everyone and hold events in these spaces. Artist’s who want to can hold exhibits and discuss their art with customers within our online galleries. They canalso hold launch partys and events to garner interest and support, just like in the real world but able to find a larger, world-wide audience with no closing times!

Visit the metaverse

Vistis the virtual gallery spaces using these link:

• The Portals RealNifty Gallery - https://bit.ly/RealNifty1

• RealNifty Spatial Gallery - https://bit.ly/RealNifty2

“We chose a range of artists from those well-versed in web3 to those taking their first steps. We want the RealNifty marketplace to be a space where any artist at any stage of their web3 journey is welcome and included.

Each artist also offers something different within the digital/ physical spectrum, from the spiritual artwork of Ola Cichy which includes AR elements, to the metallic abstracts of Gianluca Franzese. "