2 minute read



Part 1 references.


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Part 2 references

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Minasny B. (2009). Understanding the process of fascial unwinding. International journal of therapeutic massage & bodywork, 2(3), pp. 10–17. Available at https://doi.org/10.3822/ijtmb.v2i3.43

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MFR UK also runs regular MFR workshops. Visit our website for further information. You can also attend our unwinding workshop if you have prior MFR training from another training provider. See our website for full details. workshop if you have prior MFR training from another training provider. See our website for full details.

Ruth has been teaching Myofascial Release for over 20 years in the UK and internationally. She is the author of ‘A Hands On Guide To Myofascial Release’ now in its second edition. She completed a BSc (Hons) in Health Sciences and a PGCert in Pain Science and Theory and has a keen interest in research and evidence based practice. Contact her on: