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FILL THE HALL Help us fill every seat on June 24


Fill The Hall

Sat., June 24 • 9am-2pm • Historic Theater

Join us as we challenge the community to fill every seat in the Historic Theater with bags of food for Gather and their Meals 4 Kids program during the annual Fill the Hall Food Drive.

For over 200 years Gather has provided nutritious food to those in need, and they need our support now more than ever. Since 2015, Fill the Hall has benefited their Meals 4 Kids program, helping to fill the gap when subsidized school meals are not available. They provide 10 meals a week for over 700 children on the Seacoast for the 11 weeks of summer. It takes more than 60 tons of food to do this. We want to get it donated in one day and we need your help. Monetary donations can be made at TinyURL.com/bdhes533.


Individual Snacks for Kids

• Juice Boxes

• Peanut Butter & Jelly (low sugar, squeeze bottles preferred)

• Canned Tuna or Chicken

• Non Baked Beans, Rice

• Canned Vegetables (low sodium preferred)

• Cereal

• Oatmeal

• Canned Ready to Serve Soup (low sodium preferred) • Personal Care (Soap, Shampoo, etc.)

Canned Tomatoes & Tomato Sauce