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Grants to relieve cost of living pain

Special offer to ease Cost

love Gould League

Gould League has been at the forefront of Environmental Education in Victorian schools for over 100 years. Since 1909 Gould League have lobbied for and achieved policy and protection of biodiversity, developed environmental programs and resources for schools and teachers nationally and delivered thousands of incursions and excursions for students

K – Level 12 covering a wide range of subjects from drama, STEM, Economics, Geography and Biology through to Waste Management and Biodiversity.

They currently deliver 35 incursion and excursion programs across greater Melbourne with 3 unique sites –The Cheltenham Sustainability Education Centre, Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary at Beaumaris and the Toolangi State Forest.

This year they have partnered up with Maddocks Foundation to ease ‘cost of living pressures’ for disadvantaged families and communities.

How to apply

Schools simply need to email gould@gould.org.au and let them know in less than 500 words, why you deserve a subsidy and they’ll give away a total of $10,200 to make a unique learning opportunity a ordable to those less fortunate.

Bookings however must be undertaken by June 30, 2023.

external learning time. So, for educators looking to cheer up their pupils, or inject fresh excitement into the school day, consider adding some external learning to the curriculum.


1 Bølling, Mads, Janni Niclasen, Peter Bentsen, Glen Nielsen. (2019) “Association of Education Outside the Classroom and Pupils’ Psychosocial Well-being: Results from a school year implementation.” Journal of School Health 89(3): 210 –218. h ps://doi.org/10.1111/josh.12730

2 Schneller, Mikkel Bo. (2017). “E ects of education outside the classroom on objectively measured physical activity: results from the TEACHOUT study”. University of Southern Denmark.

3 Bølling, Mads, Erik Mygind, Lærke Mygind, Peter Bentsen and Peter Elsborg. (2021). “The Association between Education Outside the Classroom and Physical Activity: Di erences A ributable to the Type of Space?” Children (8) 486. h ps:// doi.org/10.3390/children8060486

4 Pearson, David G. and Tony Craig. (2014). “The great outdoors? Exploring the mental health benefits of natural environments.” Frontiers in Psychology 5(2014). h ps://doi. org/10.3389/fpsyg2014.01178

2 and 4 hour programs for Prep to L Level 6

Our one-of-a-kind Sustainab lity Education Centre w th ts popu ar themed rooms and disp ays provides a hands-on learning env ronment for invest gating natural resources b odiversity climate change waste and more Meet our worms stick nsects and izards!

From $360

4 hour programs for Levels 4 to 12

Too ang State Forest (home of the eadbeater possum) n V ctor r a s ta l forest reg on offers an mmersive experience in a Temperate Ra nforest Mounta n Ash Forest and logging c coupe to explore ntr cate ecosystem serv ces a ong with the impact of humans fire and c imate change and undertake essentia fie d work

From $540

2 and 4 hour programs for Prep to Level 12

Ricketts Point Mar ne Sanctuary offers accessib e rockpools sandy b beaches with seawweed un que coastal vegetat on wi d ntertida marine l fe a Mar ne Education Centre and evidence of human impacts Undertake essent a F eld Work or simply give students an outdoor learning exper ence that they w l never forget!

From $440

1 5 hour programs for Prep to Level 6

We bring the earn ng resources and educators to your schoo ! Whether nvest gat ng iving things or discovering earth s natural resources and recyc ing our h gh y experienced team of educators have the flex b l ty to tai or programs to meet your student needs

From $360 plus travel