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How Google Hotels is delivering you more profit


Where do the majority of travellers begin when planning their next trip?

Google, of course! This search engine has always been a significant element in most hotel owners’ marketing efforts. With the use of search engine optimisation and other Google tools to keep your property at the top of the search results, the power of Google Hotels is something the savvy property owner really can’t ignore. It really is changing the landscape of the traditional OTA (online travel agency) and giving hotel owners more control over the visibility of their property. Google Hotels (previously known as Google Hotel Ads and Google Hotel Finder) is now one of the most effective “Risk-Free” marketing channels for hotels and other property owners. So how can you best use it to grow your visibility and maximise your profit?

Read on and we’ll tell you everything you need to know.

What is Google Hotels?

Google Hotels is a metasearch engine that collates hotels and holiday rentals search results from a variety of sources. When a traveller is looking for accommodation, either in Google search or maps, an aggregated list is displayed showing the room rates listed on the various OTAs. It operates a PPC (Pay Per Click) model, resulting in Google paid listings appearing at the top of the search, with all other generic listings appearing underneath. OTA’s can display your rates, availability and room types in these paid search results, with the option to compare prices and book directly with them. You also have the option of sending a customer directly to your website to book without needing to involve an OTA at all. However, your website direct booking link will only be displayed in these paid ad results if you work with a provider that has an approved direct connection to Google Hotels. This feature also displays a prominent reviews tab, which enables travellers to easily view key elements that inform their booking decisions.

How much does it cost?

Google Hotels works on a bidding model and there are a number of factors that will influence how much you pay. These include the competitiveness of the market at any given moment. For example, capital city hotels competing with neighbouring brands for visibility on a busy weeknight would have a very different bid strategy from boutique hotels in smaller locations. This is where an experienced partner with an approved direct connection comes in handy. There are a number of options when it comes to bidding including ‘commissions per stay’, and ‘commissions per conversion’ but most hoteliers opt to pay on a cost-per-click basis. This means they incur a fee each time someone clicks on their Google Hotels link regardless of whether the guest books or not.

The Risk-Free Cost Per Stay model differs in that a cost is only incurred if a guest actually completes their stay. This is known as “Risk-Free” advertising and definitely provides a unique opportunity for accommodation businesses lucky enough to have a partner that can offer this service.

What are the benefits?

Google Hotels can help property owners increase profitability by capturing potential guests at the beginning of their search. Being listed on the platform ensures maximum visibility and has been proven to generate and convert more direct bookings. This in turn enables the accommodation provider to “own” the guest throughout their journey. With direct bookings, property owners can develop strong relationships with guests from the moment they first make contact; enabling upsell opportunities prior to arrival, removing any “middleman” delay and potential fees.

How to get started?

Google has partnered with a select network of global integration partners to provide direct connectivity to Google Hotels, which enables them to list your property directly on this powerful platform. Property owners can benefit from this by becoming an early adopter to maximise their profitability using this unique “Risk-Free” opportunity.

Visit https://travel.google/ partners/hotels/find-apartner/ and select both “Connectivity” & “Ads” to find a partner for your business.