1 minute read

See ya , Sesame

Sesame declared a Top 9 Allergen

In April 2021, the Food Allergy Safety, Treatment, Education and Research law was signed into effect, declaring sesame as a Top 9 allergen in the United States. All food service companies must now label any sesame ingredients on packaging or in their food service facilities.


As of January 1, 2023, we are no longer using sesame ingredients at our Simple Servings allergyfriendly station in The Star. Sesame may be used at other dining stations or locations and we will continue to list it as an allergen on our other menus on campus.

If you need assistance navigating campus with a food allergy, medical concern or dietary need, please reach out to our Registered Dietitian Sue Hurd She's available for complimentary virtual or inperson appointments.

Scan the QR code to make an appointment with Sue

Sue Hurd, RDN, LDN susan.hurd@sodexo.com @campusdietitian sue