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MFU Foundation Grant Cycle Opens March 1

Montana Farmers Union Foundation is now accepting grant applications for projects that focus on education and align with the Foundation’s goal of contributing to the growth and enhancement of Montana agricultural and rural communities.

The application deadline is May 1.


Anyone can apply, regardless of MFU membership, and submitted projects should have ag education for any age group or range as a key element in the proposal.

“Being able to extend some projects out there that might be meaningful for our rural communities is what we’re trying to do – and just keep ag in the forefront,” MFU board member Tom Clark said.

Last year, the Foundation awarded and leveraged more than $30,000 to community projects.

One of the Foundation’s major focuses is education about agriculture and rural issues for Montanans of all ages. The Foundation also focuses on enhancing rural prosperity through economic and cooperative development.

Montana Farmers Union is a grassroots organization, and the Foundation’s grant program dovetails well with MFU’s principles of cooperation and education to buoy rural communities.

“When you talk about grassroots, the idea is: Start here locally and then spreading the idea outward,” Clark said.

The grants are a way to help individuals and communities do just that.

“The biggest thing I’m looking forward to is giving access to more local people’s ideas,” Clark said, encouraging people to apply.

“If you have an idea, at least try. If you do put in for a grant that doesn’t get accepted the first time, update the application and apply again,” he said.

The brief application is available at https:// montanafarmersunion.com/mfu-foundation/.