2 minute read

What could be better than revenge…?

Don’t try to get back at them, get better without them

Written by Sophie Corsaro, Contributing Writer Illustrated by Quinn Ruzicka, Contributing Illustrator and Designer

After a nasty breakup, platonic or romantic, the fi rst thing you want to do is get back at the person who hurt you. Whether it be smashing their car windows, hooking up with their best friend or burning everything they have ever left at your apartment, all of these actions revolve around the person who did you wrong. Why waste your energy letting someone who hurt you live in your head 24/7 and give them the satisfaction of letting them know they got under your skin? Instead of getting revenge on them, focus on putting that energy back into yourself. Here are 5 ways to have a post-relationship glow-up that are self-centered (in a good way!)

Find a style that makes you look and feel good.

Wearing things that make you happy not only helps you exude confi dence but can also attract people who have similar tastes as you. Try something new that you were scared to try while in that relationship. Now, you only have to listen to your own opinion of yourself!

Create a new schedule for yourself, focusing on things you love to do.

Leaving someone who has been a constant in your life can throw everything off kilter; you may not know what to do with your time now that they are gone. Making a new schedule fi lled with personal hobbies and interests will help you think about them less and can give you an opportunity to try new activities you never would have before.

Create some new goals.

Making goals can help you have guidance on what to do to make your life more successful than ever before. With your newfound freedom, you can do anything you set your mind to — and nothing is a better revenge than showing an ex what an amazing person they’re missing.

Make peace with the breakup.

Remind yourself that whatever caused the split doesn’t make you a bad person, and that sometimes things just don’t work out — and that’s okay. You can learn so much from that relationship before moving forward. Get rid of things that remind you of the relationship and create a clean slate so you can bounce back better than ever.

Try a rebound!

Going on dates or meeting new people can be refreshing, especially after getting out of a long-term relationship or friendship. Being ready to get out there can take time though, so don’t rush it. Keep in mind that having open communication with the new people in your life about your state of mind will also prevent high expectations from developing too quickly. Listen to yourself and don’t give up if things don’t go your way the fi rst time — it will happen eventually!

Moving on isn’t a linear journey. Remember that self-rediscovery can be empowering after an intense breakup. In the long run, attempting ex-centered revenge will only make you feel worse, so save yourself the trouble and put that energy into your recovery and rediscovery. ■