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The Power of Laughter By Julie Cross

By Julie Cross When was the last time you had a big belly laugh? As we continue to move through the aftershocks of Covid and all the challenges that Mother Nature has also brought to so many, laughter is more important now than ever before.

I think that we sometimes forget that it is still OK to connect to laughter and joy through the tough times. In fact, it is imperative for your mental and emotional health that you do.

So often after my SHOWS, and again especially just recently, people leave saying that was the best laugh that they had had in ages … and I know through hard times we can almost forget to connect to lightness and laughter. We know that babies and toddlers laugh so much more than adults, and some would say it is because they are unaware of dealing with life and all its responsibilities but I suggest to you that the adults that still embrace laughter don’t do it because they don’t have any challenges they do it despite those challenges, and in fact they know that laughter can be the foundation that gives you the energy, the hope and the courage to get back up through tough times. Research tells us how important laughter is, it is important for our emotional well-being.

Think about how much better you feel after you have had a big laugh, you feel re-energised, lighter, brighter and in the next conversation you have will be one of your most authentic moments, because laughter relaxes you back into who you really are. Laughter releases endorphins into our system and that is why we get that natural high. Haven’t you been so tired that you found yourself hysterically laughing at something that wasn’t really funny and when you tell somebody what you are laughing at they give you ‘that’ look… like it is really not that funny, but you just can’t help yourself! Well that is your body knowing you needed a release of endorphins to lift your energy so it finds something to laugh at, even something only remotely funny, and the magic happens.

The American Activist Clarence Darrow said, ‘When you lose your ability to laugh, you lose your ability to think.’ So laughter is also good for business. Laughter and lightness is where creativity and flow is found and sometimes it will be in this state we come up with our most brilliant business ideas and marketing strategies. Laughter connects people and in fact we crave it. Dating sites (not that I have been on them too often, lol), now have an acronym that is one of their most used. ‘Must have GSOH’ (Good sense of humour), yes, it seems we are actively seeking this in our lives. A team that laughs together achieves together and also creates a winning vibe, a vibe that attracts clients so find ways to connect your team and have them laughing together and you will have a happy, high achieving workplace.

And how about connecting with your customers, laughter forms a great connection and people buy from people they feel connected with, so find ways to share some moments of lightness and joy with your clients. If they go out with not only their skin and body looked after but their soul lit up with the gift of laughter then you will be winning them back every time. Having a great sense of humour all starts with having the ability to laugh at our selves. Don’t take yourself to seriously and don’t let us be too precious about seeing the funny side of ourselves and the things we say and do. It is difficult to share fun and laughter with people who take everything personally or who are constantly thinking people are ‘having a go’ as opposed to just having some fun.

With the focus on ‘political correctness’ (and I agree there has to be an awareness of what is appropriate, respectful and kind), but with that focus it seems, and it is usually what happens, it goes to far the other way and now people don’t know wether to laugh in case it offends somebody, hurts somebody or will be seen as ‘unprofessional’, and then everybody just stopped laughing, and that is about the worst thing we can do. Don’t go through life looking for reasons to be offended, go through life looking for reason to be fascinated and joyful. In times of increased stress, depression and anxiety, laughter has an amazing ability to heal. Not all anti-depressants come in a blister pack. I know for sure that I would not have been able to deal with my husband having a stroke, my son being diagnosed with Autism, and then my husband passing away, and being a single Mum, still dealing with Autism and grief … well I would not have got through it all without my sense of humour.

On a recent trip to Africa my safari tour leader introduced me to the locals like this, ‘This is Julie, she is from Australia, and she is the happiest girls in the world’. Now my children would introduce me differently! Now, I was pretty happy to be introduced like this on this occasion and hear that is what I was projecting into my world, because we collect what we project. And remember I am happy not because I have not had any problems or challenges, pain and hurt… I am happy despite them. You deserve laughter and joy in your life and lots of it! So go laugh it up. See you soon!

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