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What Everyone Ought to Know About the iPhone

What Everyone Ought to Know About the iPhone

Technology has advanced more than ever these days. With the new line of phones coming out on a regular basis, competition is fierce. Yet the iphone have always remained a step ahead, and have provided customers with satisfactory service for many years. Just take a look ahead to learn more about the iphone and its amazing features.


Did you just drop your brand-new iPhone in the sink or a pond? Don't worry! Just go on iPhone water damage repair shop and check here. Or second make sure you don't turn the phone on. Instead, lightly towel dry it as much as you can. Don't use a blow dryer. Then, put the phone in a small bag filled with white rice and leave it sit overnight. The rice will absorb any water left in it.

If you type extensively on your iPhone, consider investing in an external keyboard. There are many wireless models available. They make typing documents, emails and other similar things easier. Some keyboards can even serve a dual purpose, as you can use them with your iPad as well as your iPhone.

Turn off push notifications to control your data usage as well as preserve your battery life. Push notifications allow your phone to constantly be in touch with email servers and the internet in order to be notified immediately when something happens. De activating this will mean that you have to check your email, websites or other applications for new messages and alerts, but it will be dramatic in how it affects the functionality and performance of your phone.

Do you want to extend your battery life? There are a few different things you can do to get the most out of your battery life. One thing you can do is turn down the brightness. Also, turn off any wireless radios when you are not using them. This can give you more battery life. Must visit if you iPhone battery are dead

With the iPhone you can quickly take pictures on your phone. Once you slide to unlock the phone, hit the camera app on the lock screen and open it up to use the camera. This feature makes it easy to quickly take pictures and never miss out on a memory.

When you are in the Safari section on your iPhone, toggle between different pages that you visit. You can open up to eight pages that will each come in very clear on your phone. This function is very beneficial if you have multiple things to do and do not want to lose the initial page that you were on.

Did you just type something into iMessage that you probably shouldn't have? Has Auto Correct messed up your message's meaning? The easiest way to undo this is to just give a quick shake to your iPhone. This will automatically undo recent typing. This feature is optional, so if you want it, you have to enable it from the Settings menu.

To get the most from Siri, use this tip to assign nicknames and relationships for each of your contacts. For example, you can tell Siri, "Jane Johnson is my mother." Siri will then request confirmation to link this information to Jane's contact number. Now, you can tell Siri to "Call Mom," and she will automatically bring up your mother's phone number.

If you are in a call and cannot hear the person that you are talking to, you can adjust the volume settings on the left-side bar of the phone or put your phone on a speaker mode. This will help you to hear more clearly to improve the quality of your conversations with friends and family.

When setting up your email accounts, make sure you select two different names. If you use the same name for your two or more email accounts, your iPhone will not be able to save different settings. Besides, you should choose different names for your accounts to avoid confusion; this is a good way to keep your personal life apart from your professional one.

iPhone Screen Functions

Is iPhone screen flipping driving you nuts? Stop the screen from moving by locking the orientation of the screen. You can do this by sliding the iPhone app bar once to the right. There on the left-hand side is a lock button for your screen orientation. One clicks of that button and your screen will lock in whatever format it is currently in.

Tap and hold any one icon on your iPhone screen, and you will begin to see them dance. You can then move them around, group them into folders or even delete those that you do not want. This is a simple way to keep your screens organized and your apps ready to use.

On the rare occasion in which your iPhone freezes up, simply press the home button and hold it for five seconds. That should reset your phone. If that fails, depress the power and "home" buttons together for a period of 12 seconds. Do that only if the first method does not work.

You can quickly erase text without even touching your iPhone screen. Using a quick flick of the wrist, shake the phone one time to your left and back. A window will pop up to request confirmation to delete the recently typed text. Click it and the most-recent text will be immediately erased.

There are definitely features that the iphone has that you weren't aware of before reading this article. The truth is, there are still probably more that you don't even know about. That is what is so great about the iphone, that there is a vast amount of technology available for it. So, grab yours today, and be a part of this evolutionary history of cell phone development.