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Crutchfield Dermatology Foundation awards second annual Mel Reeves Memorial Scholarship

The Crutchfield Dermatology Foundation recently issued the second annual Mel Reeves Memorial Scholarship to Cor’ney Merriman at the High School for Recording Arts (HSRA).

Merriman, also known as Ney Ney, has overcome many obstacles on her path to graduation. She has faced many life challenges with strength, grace and resilience.

She is an entrepreneur who has mastered the art of beat-making and instrumental compositions. She even set up her own business licensing beats to other artists.

Ney Ney was recently accepted into St. Paul College and will be studying to be a medical assistant. She also takes pride in telling others that she looks like one of her heroes, Ida B. Wells.

With the belief that education is a proven pathway to success in America, the Crutchfield Dermatology

Foundation, in association with the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder (MSR), partnered with the High School for Recording Arts for the $1,000 scholarship after longtime journalist-activist and MSR community editor Mel Reeves passed away in 2022.

The school works with atrisk youth both in and out of school and guides them on a pathway to high school graduation.