1 minute read



There will be ticket sales with no extra fee at the theatre box office, one hour before each session - a quota will be reserved for onsite purchases.



For presentations at Sesc, it is possible to buy tickets in any of its units.

Payment methods: credit card and PIX (Sympla app); credit card, debit card, culture voucher, cash (box office).


BIBLIOTECA MÁRIO DE ANDRADE Rua da Consolação, 94, República Phone: +55 11 3775-0002

CASA DO POVO Rua Três Rios, 252, Bom Retiro Phone: +55 11 3146-7439 CENTRO CULTURAL VILA ITORORÓ Rua Pedroso, 238, Bela Vista Phone: +55 11 3253-0187

CINE BIJOU Praça Franklin Roosevelt, 172 Phone: +55 11 97883-9696 GALPÃO DO FOLIAS Rua Ana Cintra, 213 Phone: +55 11 3361-2223 GOETHE-INSTITUT SÃO PAULO Rua Lisboa, 974, Pinheiros Phone: +55 11 3296-7000 ITAÚ CULTURAL Avenida Paulista, 149, Bela Vista Phone: +55 11 2168-1777

SESC BELENZINHO Rua Padre Adelino, 1.000 Phone: +55 11 2076-9700 SESC PINHEIROS Rua Paes Lemes, 195, Pinheiros Phone: +55 11 3095-9400

TEATRO ALFREDO MESQUITA Avenida Santos Dumont, 1770, Santana Phone: +55 11 2221-3657

TEATRO ARTHUR AZEVEDO Avenida Paes de Barros, 955 Phone: +55 11 2604-5558

TEATRO CACILDA BECKER Rua Tito, 295, Lapa Phone: +55 11 3864-4513 TEATRO JOÃO CAETANO Rua Borges Lagoa, 650 Phone: +55 11 5573-3774

TEATRO OFICINA Rua Jaceguai, 520 Phone: +55 11 3106-2818 TEATRO PAULO EIRÓ Avenida Adolfo Pinheiro, 765 Phone: +55 11 5686-8440

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