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Mission for Vision - Annual Report 2021-2022


Addressing Retinoblastoma, a form of paediatric eye cancer impacting 0 to 6 years old children.


Retinoblastoma is a cancer that starts in the retina, the sensitive lining on the inside of the eye. It is the most common type of eye cancer in children and more than 8,000 new cases of retinoblastoma are diagnosed all around the world each year 2 . Early detection and proper treatment ensure 95% of the children diagnosed with retinoblastoma are saved from death, 90% have their eyes intact and 85% have their vision protected.

With the generous support from Wen Giving Foundation, Mission for Vision initiated the Mission Jeevan programme in May 2021 with partner hospital PBMA’s H.V. Desai Eye Hospital, Pune. Through this programme, Mission for Vision and its partner provide timely screening, counselling, financial aid, and treatment to children diagnosed with retinoblastoma coupled with creating awareness among medical practitioners and the masses. Along with saving the sight for these children, the Mission Jeevan programme plays a critical role in saving lives. The programme aims to gather and generate evidence for influencing appropriate policy and practice for the management of retinoblastoma.


Stories of Hope: Saving Lives & Saving Vision

When Devika (name changed) was five months old, her parents Mr and Mrs Kashyap (name changed) observed a squint and a white spot in her eye. Through the referral of their family doctor, they visited MFV’s partner PBMA’s H.V. Desai Eye Hospital, Pune (HVDEH). After a detailed examination, it was confirmed that the child has Retinoblastoma, a form of eye cancer. Without waiting anymore, the treatment began at HVDEH. Devika’s father works as a vegetable vendor and her mother is a homemaker. The parents have been through a rough emotional journey. In these difficult situations, Devika’s parents are relieved that treatment expenses are being covered, thanks to the generous support of Wen Giving Foundation and Mission for Vision. Devika has undergone examination under anaesthesia and subsequently trans pupillary thermotherapy for both eyes were done. She has undergone one cycle of chemotherapy along with bone marrow aspiration/cerebrospinal fluid analysis and other blood investigations. In terms of prognosis, Devika requires some more cycles of treatment depending on the response of the tumour. With the timely treatment, Devika’s parents are hopeful that their daughter will be better soon. They are grateful to PBMA’s H.V. Desai Eye Hospital for their support, guidance and treatment.