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We focus on scalability and sustainability in our programming with the goal of providing services to new arrival families in all resettlement cities across America.

Wishlist by Miry’s List, based on the Amazon platform, is available to new arrival families in all fifty states. Consider this testimony from one of our families in Woodbridge, VA, published In March 2018 on the front page of the Metro section of The Washington Post:

A 43-year-old refgee from Afghanistan named Mohammad sat recently in a two-bedroom apartment with his pregnant wife and three elementary-school children. A purple children’s bicycle donated through the list leaned against the wall as his two sons, 9 and 6 years old, watched a cartoon on the donated TV.

They arrived in the United States in July, leaving behind their two story house and garden in Kabul after Mohammad’s work for aid agencies had become too dangerous. When they first moved into the utilitarian apartment, his wife looked at the empty rooms and burst into tears. “There was nothing, and that was one of the things that killed her emotionally,” said Mohammad, who didn’t want his last name used because he did not want people in the Afghan community to know about his situation. A friend brought over a used mattress that had been sitting outside for a couple of months, but the family was leery of sleeping on it. A few days later he learned about Miry’s List from an Afghan colleague who was working for the organization.

“After some days the new things started coming to the door for us,” he said. They got beds and mattresses, school bags and stationery, blankets, toilet paper, laundry detergent, etc. But it didn’t stop there. They got their dining set, couch, and kitchen implements, a television, and iPads for the children. Finally, a sewing machine that his wife had asked for so she could start making what they needed. “The good thing I found with Miry’s List was the initial and very quick support,” said Mohammad, who works now at a nonprofit that helps refugees. “This is important to people who are coming to this country with only their dreams and instead of feeling invigorated they can quickly become hopeless” making it a goal for our organization to shift the focus back to the exciting aspects of being here.



Over 53,000 individual people have visited the Lists page on our website to shop and send gifts to families resettling as refugees in America since the launch of our website. DEMOGRAPHICS:


75% of the people on our website are women 66% are between the ages of 25-44 90% of our supporters are in the US, followed by Canada and the United Kingdom.


U.S. community of supporters is national. 53% of the Miry’s List donor community comes from California, followed by New York, Texas, Virginia, Illinois, Oregon, Washington, Massachusetts, Florida and Michigan.