1 minute read

Caring for You

What does self-compassion mean to you?

Being as gentle and understanding with myself as I am with the people I care most about.

Jane McWilliams

Being able to say that was/this is hard, and yet I am OK.

Wendy L.

Nurturing my inner child, showing myself the love and patience I give my children (most of the time ) thehappybase sass_allard

Lovingly accepting my imperfections, reconciling with my self-saboteur, and holding space for myself when I’m feeling inadequate.

Relating to ourselves with kindness, feeling connected to others, and being aware of our experience at any given moment. mindfulness_music_ and_health

Constantly and gently reminding yourself that you deserve to live a beautiful and intentional life driven by you, opposed to one built on the unconscious fears of others. inthismomentbox juradohall juliesleilaty

Asking ourselves what we needed in times of suffering that we didn’t get growing up, and finding ways to offer it to ourselves in the present.

How do you practice self-compassion?

Giving myself extra grace and extra care when things feel tough.

How important is practicing selfcompassion to you?

↑ reminds us to unplug and notice the bold expressions of passion that are all around us if we look for them. celebrates connection with their authentic selves and their community.

Next Question

Where do you find happiness?

Mindful readers share how they practice self-compassion → @dr.shivanigupta practices self-care by winding down for a good night's sleep.

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