17 minute read

A Strong Foundation

Charlie Señase csenase@yahoo.com

AMID all adversities that we are confronted with in the realm of survival among the fittest in humanity’s jungle-like struggle with pride, envy and greed – Who is in control that we have to hold-on?


With the day-to-day global news dispatch in the digital age makes people wonder of their existence in the midst of new COVID variant cases surging in the PH and other areas, apart from employment and economic inflationary woes, all sorts of natural calamities, lawless violence and other irregularities involving prohibited drugs and smuggled items. And ironically said to know that authorities themselves are allegedly involved in these malpractices. God’s wrath is on the wicked with all these frequent thunderstorms, landslides, tornadoes, earthquakes and worsening heatwave that recent study of World Risk Index showing the PH out of 193 countries, as the most disaster-prone country in the world with an index score of 46.82%. And followed closely by India, Indonesia, Colombia, Mexico, Myanmar, Mozambique, China, Bangladesh and Pakistan. These countries were drained of their government finances due to massive destruction to lives and properties. Liken to the biblical Noah’s Ark when God unleased the great floodwaters that submerged and killed all, except the God-fearing Noah and his family. The prophet said God was dismayed and furious that the earth was corrupt and filled with violence quoting Him saying, “I will destroy them with the earth” (Genesis 6:9-14).

This article is not meant to threaten readers but to prepare for what is coming. For our God, who cannot lie since time began said, there will be a Great Tribulation which has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, nor ever shall be. And unless those days are shortened, no flesh would be saved, but for the elect-sake those days will be shortened (Matthew 24:21-22).

Corollary reminder to all that whoever desires to save his life will lose it but whoever loses his life for God-sake will find it (Matthew 10:39).

Despite mass protests on Labor Day, let’s all uphold the good life through honest living that must start from the family as source of ideal value formation in building a strong community foundation. Congratulation goes to Colight information officer Arlene Valdez-Hepiga who was hailed by BARMM Labor Minister Muslimin Sema as this year’s Huwarang Mangagawang Awardee; that she will share the priceless value of honest living for a good life.

Likewise, let’s hope and pray that the official statement of President Marcos, Jr on the PH-US Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement with America anchored on the 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty will hold-on without provocation, when he assures it will not become a “staging post” for US-China confrontation. A timely reminder as Chinese naval ships were visibly intruding into the West PH Sea as a seemingly provocative gesture.

The World Against The Word

Worldliness is not of God when He said, “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone love the world, he love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world - The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and so is the lust of it. But he who does the will of God abides forever” (1 John 2:15-17). After the fall of Adam and Eve, Satan, the father of lies, has taken control of the world. Because of their disobedience to God, man has to labor, suffer, struggle, and die in God’s appointed time. From then on, the earth was given into the hand of the wicked. He covers the faces of the judges. If it is not Satan, the devil, who else could it be (Job 9:24)? It is also written that God made man upright, but they have sought out evil schemes (Ecclesiastes 7:29). However, some of us are born out of God, while the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one (1 John 5:19).

As prophesied, most human spirits are demon-possessed performing signs to influence rulers and kings of the earth and of the whole world that God Almighty will gather them all in that great Battle of the Armageddon (Revelation 16:14). MC

While COVID-19 rates in the U.S. are relatively low and are declining, the World Health Organization (WHO) is keeping an eye on a new COVID-19 variant. The omicron subvariant XBB.1.16, known as “Arcturus,” has been listed by the WHO as a variant under monitoring since March 22. Experts say this variant has a higher transmissibility rate than previous strains but doesn’t appear to be more dangerous.

“It is causing increasing case counts in certain parts of the world, including India. We’re not seeing high rates of XBB.1.16 yet in the United States, but it may become more prominent in coming weeks,” says Dr. Matthew Binnicker, director of the Clinical Virology Laboratory at Mayo Clinic.

He says experts are seeing new symptoms with the new variant.

“One new feature of cases caused by this variant is that it seems to be causing conjunctivitis, or red and itchy eyes, in young patients. This is not something that we’ve seen with prior strains of the virus,” Dr. Binnicker adds.

Red itchy eyes in young patients are symptoms of the new omicron variant.

Respiratory rates declining Dr. Binnicker says respiratory viruses, including COVID-19 infections, influenza, and RSV have declined in the U.S. in recent weeks.

“The case counts of respiratory infections have begun to drop as we’re entering into the spring months in the Northern Hemisphere with warmer temperatures and people getting outdoors,” says Dr. Binnicker. “Respiratory viruses, like SARS-CoV-2, tend to decline in the spring and summer months, and that is what we’re seeing in most parts of the U.S. right now.”

SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, keeps emerging because the virus mutates and copies itself as it spreads from person to person, creating new variants.

“New variants come and go. We’re seeing increased transmission rates, so higher levels of infectivity with recent COVID-19 variants, but in general, they tend to be causing less severe disease in individuals, which is good news,” explains Dr. Binnicker. “This is likely due to a combination of factors, including higher vaccination rates, higher rates of immunity from prior infection, and lower pathogenicity of recent variants.”

Although COVID-19 rates in the U.S. are relatively low, health experts recommend people remain vigilant in using these preventive measures:

• Wash your hands frequently. Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

• Stay home if you feel sick or have any symptoms of COVID-19.


inside this quaint unpretentious diner, immediately one can imagine being transported to the make believe, magical world of Walt Disney’s Ali Baba. One is warmly welcomed by restaurateur Shalimar Candao who engagingly relates the origins of the collections which adorn her “work in progress “she call Coups Diner. A veritable collector of whatever fancies her, during her travels, her visits to flea markets where she could spend hours tinkering with unique finds, the Diner enabled her to share her “treasure pieces” for conversational starters and ice breakers.

On one wall are her collection of plates of different sizes, colors and sources; another wall are greeting messages related to the recently concluded Ramadan; the ceiling are lit with multi-colored Moroccan lamps; encased on another wall are artistically painted eggs, souvenirs from travels mostly in Turkey, a virtual microcosm of the Muslim countries. Beautifully framed in gold-leaf are the incredible art of Sunshine Roales- she should be given a chance to shine in that field of art. So much for the ambiance, the cook/chefs have stayed not only in Morocco, but came from other Muslim kitchens/country not to mention Shalimar’s mother who has perfected a couple of dishes served at the Diner: Such as, Chicken Pindialokan and Chicken Lininggil and chicken Sinina. These are mostly prepared with toasted coconut, turmeric and coconut milk.

Unique to the menu is their take on the favourite paste with a twist. The classic aglio y olio is topped with uyap and served with lemon in the Pasta Uyap; while Pasta Tinapayan uses the fermeted fish served with lemon. Noodles as usual are permanent fares coming in the forms pf pansit guisado, sotanghon guisado or bihon guisado.

“The proof of the pudding is in the eating,” you are invited to taste many other equally exotic dishes at 16 R. Garcia St., Gov. Gutierrez Avenue, Cotabato City.

To Join or Not to Join…

Agood system shortens the road to the goal.—Ralph Waldo Emerson

Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do—Steve Jobs

The purposes of an organization is to enable common people to do uncommon things.—Peter Drucker

One of the most popular quotes on man and how he exists is properly attributed to the poet John Donne. He said that “no man is an island, no man stands alone.” As in all contentions, some people would contest this and insist that they could exist without need of others or to necessity of relating with others. But we know that successful people have help from one person or from a bunch of people.

I would say that the necessity to have “others” to work with or rely on for some guidance or self does not only apply to natural people but to other legal personalities as well such as sole-proprietorships, partnerships, cooperatives, and corporations (regardless of whether they are for profit or are nonprofit entities).

Business organizations, from very small enterprises to the largest conglomerates, would certainly benefit from belonging to a group that could provide them advantages such as additional financing, equipment and/or technology, access to a wider market, and so on. Being part of an organization, especially the more popular (and powerful) ones, enhance the prestige and reach of an enterprise and its owners (and managers).

The medium to large corporations have more luxury and ease in joining whatever organization they deem would benefit the interest of the business entity. They have greater financial and other materials, as well as, the manpower that would be necessary to fulfill their obligation to the organizations they decide to be part of.

For the micro and small enterprises, what types of organizations could they be part of and what should be the basis of their decision to join which and when?

Associations for small businesses and industry associations are the type of organizations that smaller enterprises could join for practical reasons. There types of organizations are often organized by and/or supported by government agencies and local government units. Government entities typically provide technical, financial, and marketing support to associations of smaller enterprises. Being part of an industry association, on the other hand, provides proof of legitimacy to a fledging enterprise.

In some cities and municipalities, there are also associations of micro, small, and medium enterprises known as the SMED Council. This is initiated by the Department of Trade and Industry (MTIT in the BARMM) and the local government unit concerned. The council discusses the concerns of SMEs in the area and how these can be resolved with the intervention of government and private institutions.

Chambers of commerce and industry would require some regular financial contribution and participation in meetings and other activities (if the business enterprise would like to be in good standing in the organization). Thus, being part of a chamber of commerce and industry is practical when the enterprise has attained some degree of stability and profitability which allow the owner/s to devote time to tend to membership obligations and not be tied by day-to-day operational concerns.

What and when to join organizations that can aid one’s enterprise is a decision left to the owner/s and the basic considerations are: usefulness, cost (membership dues), and time that the entrepreneur have to attend activities of the organization he/she chose to join.

Extrajudicial Settlement

Notice is hereby given that the late RASOL SARIBO RAGUIA who died on October 29, 2022 at Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, left parcel of land Lot 415-B, PSD-12-052523, situated in Tamontaka, Cotabato City, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-48099, containing an area of 600 square meters, more or less; and three (3) bank accounts: Dollar Savings Account No. 102660349769 at BDO Makakua Branch; Dollar Savings Account No. 405160141385 at PNB Cotabato City - Makakua Branch; and Savings Account No. 3-074-35176-

0 at Metro Bank - Makakua Branch are subject of extrajudicial settlement of estate with Special Power of Attorney before Notary Public Atty. Mark Esmael R. Nor, CPA as per Doc. No. 04; Page No. 01; Book No.

V; Series of 2023

MC: Apr. 15, 22 & 29, 2023


In compliance with Section 5 of R.A. 9048/10172, a notice is hereby served to the public that Restie T. Maglasang has filed with this Office a petition for Change of Sex from MALE to FEMALE in the birth certificate of RHISTY TALAGTAG MAGLASANG who was born on November 27, 1986 at Making, Parang, Maguindanao and whose parents are Alejandro W. Maglasang and Maria Mae A. Talagtag

Any person adversely affected by the said petition may file his written opposition with this office not later than May 16, 2023

(Sgd.)KARIM O. OMAR, MPA Municipal Civil Registrar MC: May 6 & 13, 2023


Notice is hereby given that the late Spouses SEGUNDINA ANTATICO and TEOFILO S. NERASA, who died on December 24, 2005 and January 4, 2001 in Libungan & Midsayap, Cotabato, respectively, left a parcel of land Lot 2464-E-5-C, Psd-12033170, situated in Pob. 8, Midsayap, Cotabato, covered by TCT No. T-99655, with an area of 2,009 sq. mts., more or less is subject of extrajudicial settlement of estate with simultaneous sale before Notary Public Atty. Rolando D. Jungco as per Doc. No. 36; Page No. 08; Book No. 84; Series of 2020.

MC: May 6, 13 & 20, 2023

Extrajudicial Settlement

Notice is hereby given that the estate of the late GENARO P. CASTILLON and ABUNDIA CASTILLON who died on May 04, 1991 and May 28, 2010, respectively in Cotabato City, a parcel of land Lot. 1, Block 4, PSD32741, covered by TCT No. T-14649, containing an area of 813 sq. mts., more or less is subject of extrajudicial settlement with deed of partition and absolute sale before Notary Public Atty. Nasiff Brian O. Meditar as per Doc. No. 48; Page No. 10; Book No. XVI; Series of 2022.

Extrajudicial Settlement

Notice is hereby given that the estate of the late Spouses GENARO B. BALLANO and LEONOR BALIBADLANBALLANO, who died on March 5, 1990 and May 27, 2007, respectively, at Pigcawayan, Cotabato, parcels of land Lot No. 8636, Midsayap Pls135, situated in Bulocawon, Pigcawayan, covered by TCT No. T-69753 with an area of 60,416 sq. mts.; Lot No. C, Pcs-12-000039, situated in Manuangan, Pigcawayan, covered by TCT No. T-59028 with an area of 30,000 sq. mts.; Lot No. 8539-A, Psd12-072171, covered by TCT No. P-59679 with an area of 40,438 sq.mts. and Lot No. 8539-B, Psd-12-072171, covered by TCT No. P-59679 with an area of 60,658 sq.mts., more or less, both situated in South Manuangan, Pigcawayan, all in Cotabato Province are subject of extrajudicial settlement of estate before Notary Public Atty. Nasiff Brian O. Meditar as per Doc. No. 445; Page No. 89; Book No. XXII; Series of 2023 MC: Apr. 15, 22 & 29, 2023


In compliance with Section 5 of R.A. Act No. 9048, a notice is hereby served to the Public that DATU MEDZ A. DATUBUDA has filed with this office a petition for Change of First Name from SITTIE to SITTIE NUR SHAFAYTAH in the birth certificate of SITTIE NUR-SHAFAYTAH DATUBUDA who was born on November 10, 2014 at Cotabato City and whose parents are Datumedz A. Datubuda and Sittie Norjannah

G. Mohama

Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his/her written opposition withthis office.

(Sgd.) EDRES A. SAMAMA Asst. City Civil Registrar OIC-City Civil Registrar MC: May 6 & 13, 2023


Notice is hereby given that the estate of the late DENNIS EMMANUEL CENIZAL LONTOK, who died intestate on April 9, 2014 at Cotabato City, a parcel of land Lot. 1-B, Psd12-057613, situated in Parang Road, Cotabato City, covered by TCT No. T-53717, containing an area of 250 sq. mts., more or less is subject of affidavit of adjudication with simultaneous deed of donation before Notary Public Renato M. Eugenio as per Doc. No. 344; Page No. 70; Book No. 224; Series of 2023.

MC: Apr. 22, 29 & May 6, 2023

Extrajudicial Settlement

Notice is hereby given that the estate of CONSOLACION FERNANDEZ VDA DE SERO, EDWIN F. SERO and EDGAR F. SERO, a parcel of land Lot. C-7-H-9, B-7-M-5-N, Psd -12-013692, covered by TCT No. T-26544, containing an area of 250 sq. mts., more or less is subject of extrajudicial settlement of estate with simultaneous deed of sale before Notary Public Atty. Agnes P. Paracha-Balleque as per Doc. No. 379; Page No. 76; Book No. 15; Series of 2023.

6, 2023

Hunt still on for followers of slain alleged brains in...from P2

gun-for-hire operation, gunrunning, robbery holdup and the proliferation of illegal drugs in Lanao del Sur. He was also tagged as financier and supporter of the ISIS inspired local terrorist group.



Notice is hereby given that the application of COTABATO WESTBAY ECO-PARK

With an activity of tourism-related facilities and attractions located at Amino Drive, Sitio Timako, Kalanganan II, Cotabato City for registration with the Bangsamoro Board of Investments-BARMM under Book I of the Omnibus Investment Code of 1987, otherwise known as Executive order No. 226 as amended by R.A. 11534 or CREATE Act, has been officially accepted on April 26, 2023 and is currently being processed. Any person with valid objections to or pertinent comments on the above- mentioned application may file his/her objection, in writing and under oath, with the Bangsamoro Board of Investments-BARMM within one (1) week from the date of application.

MC: May 6, 2023

Notice To The Public

In compliance with the publication requirement and pursuant to OCRG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-1 Guideliness in the implementation of the Administrative Order No. 1, Series of 2012 (IRR on RA. 10172), Notice is hereby served to the public that LORIE VILLARMA ESPAÑOLA has filed with this Office, a petition for change of first name from MARIA LORIE to LORIE in the certificate of live birth of MARIA LORIE ESPARAGOSA VILLARMA at Pigcawayan, Cotabato and whose parents are VENANCIO GRABERA VILLARMA and RESTITUTA ESPARAGOSA. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his written opposition with this office with this office not later than May 12, 2023.

(Sgd) EVELYN B. LAGDAMIN Municipal Civil Registrar

MC: Apr. 29 & May 6, 2023

Extrajudicial Settlement

Notice is hereby given that the estate of the late AMIL SALAMAT and DAUDAYAN SALAMAT, a parcel of land Lot 236-A-1-1, Psd12-007901, situated in Matampay, Cotabato City, covered by TCT No. T-22220, containing an area of 32,000 square meters, more or less is subject of extrajudicial settlement of estate with simultaneous sale of a portion of land before Notary Public Atty. Abyyr

A. Nul as per Doc. No. 433; Page No. 87; Book No. XLIII; Series of 2023.

MC: Apr. 22, 29 & May 6, 2023

Extrajudicial Settlement

Notice is hereby given that the estate of the late MANIT YAP, a parcel of land Lot. 10, Block 2 Pcs-3635, situated in Matampay, Cotabato City, covered by TCT No. T-3763, containing an area of 400 sq. mts., more or less is subject of extrajudicial settlement of estate with deed of absolute sale before Notary Public Atty.

Mohammad Jameel A. Singh as per Doc. No. 267; Page No. 54; Book No. 26; Series of 2023. MC: Apr. 22, 29 & May 6, 2023

Republic of the Philippines Local Civil Registry Office Province of Cotabato Municipality of Midsayap


In compliance with the publication requirements and pursuant to OCRG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-1, Guidelines in the Implementation of the Administrative Order No. 1 Series of 2012 (IRR on R.A. 10172), Notice is hereby served to the public that MARILYN SORONGON GABAO has filed with this Office a petition for change of day and or month of birth from “NOVEMBER 18, 1974” to “26 FEBRUARY 1974” and child’s first name from “MERYLYN” to “MARILYN” in the Certificate of Live Birth of MERYLYN CANTOMAYOR SORONGON who was born on November 18, 1974 at Midsayap, Cotabato and whose parents are DONATO T. SORONGON and EVELYN C. CANTOMAYOR. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his/her written opposition with this Office of Municipal Civil Registrar, Midsayap, Cotabato.

(Sgd.)NORAH B. CABUGWASON Municipal Civil Registrar MC: May 6 & 13, 2023


Notice is hereby given that the late MEDTIMBANG N. MAMINTENG, who died intestate on August 13, 2015, left a parcel of land Lot 4, Block 12, Psd79683, situated in Kakar, Cotabato City, covered by TCT No. T-15922, containing an area of 494 sq. mts., more or less is subject of affidavit of self-adjudication by sole heir with absolute sale before Notary Public Atty. Gapor G. Quitar as per Doc. No. 112; Page No. 23; Book No. LXXVIII; Series of 2023.

MC: April 29, May 6 & 13, 2023

Extrajudicial Settlement

Notice is hereby given that the estate of the late AMIL SALAMAT and DAUDAYAN SALAMAT, a parcel of land Lot 236A-1-1, Psd-12-007901, situated in Matampay, Cotabato City, covered by TCT No. T-22220, containing an area of 32,000 square meters, more or less is subject of extrajudicial settlement of estate with simultaneous sale of a portion of land before Notary Public Atty. Abyyr A. Nul as per Doc. No. 432; Page No. 87; Book No. XLIII; Series of 2023.


Notice For Publication

In compliance with R.A. Act No. 10172, a notice is hereby served to the public that Airyn G. Olita has filed with this office a petition for change of SEX from FEMALE to MALE in the birth certificate of Angelou Olita Obedencio who was born on 27 May 2011 at Kidapawan, Cotabato and whose parents are Ronald D. Obedencio and Airyn G. Olita. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his written opposition with this office.

(Sgd.) Marcedes P. Tolentino

Acting City Civil Registrar MC: May 6 & 13, 2023


Notice is hereby given that MUHAMMAD YUSOPH M. PENDONG, owner of a Sports Utility Vehicle Wagon with Engine No. 2KD6952438, Chassis No. MHFZR69G003034314, O.R. No. 1236000000014894, C.R No. 257320070, MV File No. 139100000115132 is subject of affidavit of change color from Dark Steel Mica to Stealth Gray before Notary Public Atty. Sittie Rayhana M. Santuring as per Doc. No. 97; Page No. 20; Book No. VI; Series of 2023.

MC: April 29, May 6 & 13, 2023

Extrajudicial Settlement

Notice is hereby given that the estate of the late JONAS L. LABANON, who died on November 5, 1994 in Cotabato City, left a parcel of land Lot No. 2871-D, Csd12-002214-D, situated in Gumaga, Libungan, Cotabato, covered by OCT No. P-52211, containing an area of 40,000 sq. mts., more or less is subject of extrajudicial settlement with simultaneous deeds of sale before Notary Public Alberto T. Eramis as per Doc. No. 133; Page No. 27; Book No. IX; Series of 2023. MC:

Gandawali is listed in the police as most wanted person in Lanao del Sur and No. 4 most wanted man in BARMM.

The neutralization of Gandawali came a month after Brig. Gen. Allan Nobleza, BARMM police regional director, directed the Lanao del Sur police to intensify efforts to arrest other suspects in the Adiong ambush.

Specifically, Nobleza directed the Special Investigation Task Group “to bring in” Gandawali criminal gang leader Oscar Capal Gandawali who allegedly masterminded the plot to kill the governor.

To date, four suspects have been arrested, two were slain, and two firearms stolen from the slain officers have been recovered. Edwin O. Fernandez

Extrajudicial Settlement

Notice is hereby given that the late SILVESTRE B. RAMIREZ, JR., who died intestate on February 2, 2015 in Samantha Homes, Bago Gallera, Davao City, left parcels of land Lot No. 834-A, Csd-12-000143 in Brgy. Ragandang, with an area of 49,985 sq. mts., covered by OCT No. P-45435; Lot 36-A-1, (LCR) Psd-12-240055 in Brgy. Tibpuan, with an area of 29,366 sq. mts., covered by TCT No. T-47983; and Lot 1453-A-1, (LRC) Psd240050 in Brgy. Tibpuan all in Sultan Kudarat Province, with an area of 10, 263 sq. mts., more or less are subject of extrajudicial settlement of estate before Notary Public Carlos L. Valdez, Jr. as per Doc. No. 241 Page No. 50; Book No. V; Series of 2016. MC: May 6, 13 & 20, 2023

Extrajudicial Settlement

Notice is hereby given that the late MAIMONA M. PENDONG, who died intestate on October 24, 2022 in Cotabato City, left a Fortuner 4x2 2012 model, Sports Utility Vehicle Wagon Type,Engine No. 2KD6952438, Chassis No. MHFZR69G003034314, MV File No. 139100000115132,O.R. No. 1236-000000014894, C.R No. 257320070 is subject of extrajudicial settlement of estate with waiver and renunciation of rights before Notary Public Atty. Sittie Rayhana M. Santuring as per Doc. No. 98; Page No. 20; Book No. VI; Series of 2023.

MC: April 29, May 6 & 13, 2023


Notice is hereby given that the estate of the late SANCHO D. DOMINGUEZ, who died intestate on February 5, 2022 in Maranding, Lala, Lanao del Norte, a parcel of land Lot. 2186-W-2, Psd-12-043234, situated in, Katingawan, Midsayap, Cotabato, covered by TCT No. 152-2017005234, containing an area of 300 sq. mts., more or less is subject of affidavit of selfadjudication before Notary Public Marlyn B. FlautaLim, CPA, LLM as per Doc. No. 334; Page No. 67; Book No. CII; Series of 2023.