1 minute read

Matt shares his top tips on networking:

1) Be genuine and authentic – why would you be anyone but yourself? People do business with people they know, trust and like!

2) Never ever sell anything –communicate, build relationships, show an interest in others and if you can offer help (like an introduction to someone else) it will get you goodwill.

3) Be curious and ask lots of open questions – get others around you talking. Networking can feel a little forced sometimes but once people start talking they will relax and then so can you.

4) Prepare for events so you have a plan – Things to consider might give your confidence a boost include: What are your objectives for the evening? What you are going to say about yourself. What questions are you going to ask people? Research who might be there that you want to meet and try to find familiar ground.

5) Always follow up – make sure you get in touch with people you meet post event so you can build an effective network. If you show an interest in others by following up, you will grow your network.