2 minute read

Lemon Water

Your Daily Dose Of Vitamin C And Immune Boost

by Michele Modellas


Lemons are a nutritious fruit packed with vitamin C and a host of antioxidants. Studies suggest many health benefits. Consuming lemon water has many benefits, including kicking the digestive system into action, fighting off infections, and boosting the immune system. It’s an easy way to get your daily dose.

Just add the juice of at least half a fresh lemon to a cup of warm water to your morning routine Your immune system and your skin will thank you!

10 Immune Boosting And Daily Health Reasons To Get Your Daily Dose From Lemons


Morning Hydration Kick-start Our bodies need and look for hydration first thing in the morning after a night of sleep and no fluid intake. Water does provide the fluid, but adding lemon provides so many additional benefits. Research shows that warm water kick-starts your digestive system so earlymorning warm water and lemon is a great start to your day.


Immune Boosting The abundance of vitamin C in lemon can provide a powerful immune boost. Lemons also increase electrolytes to help support the immune system

Helps the Body Fight Off Infection

Because lemon juice has antibacterial and antiviral components, it’s a great way to fight off infections. This, combined with the immunity boost, helps keep the body ready to fight off infections as soon as they develop. Additionally, lemon can also soothe a sore throat caused by a viral infection.

Helps Soothe Respiratory


Lemons have antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties that come from vitamin C which may also reduce the severity of colds, allergies, and asthma. The compounds in lemons help ease breathing and calm the respiratory tract due, in part, to the fruit's ability to reduce inflammation and mucus production.


Hydrates the Skin Revitalize your skin. The vitamin C in lemons can protect against free radical damage and nourish your skin By improving hydration, you can prevent or reduce the appearance of wrinkles and keep skin looking smooth. Toxins can speed up the aging process. Lemon water can help flush out those toxins and keep skin looking healthy.


Helps Digestion Drink your morning warm lemon water on an empty stomach. This helps your digestion system and helps to ease constipation. The minerals in lemons stimulate healthy bowel function and bowel movements.



Encourages Help With Weight Loss

The citrus flavor makes lemon water refreshing and appealing to drink. This may encourage people to drink more fluids throughout the day. It curbs the appetite, provides hydration and helps prevent binges on sugary sweets.

Detoxes the Liver Symptoms of excessive toxins include constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, nausea, aches and pains, and even memory loss. Lemons are a friend to the liver and cleanse the body of these damaging toxin invaders.

Reduces Inflammation — Many diseases today are a result of chronic inflammation. Lemon water can help fend off free radicals and inflammatory markers in the blood. Lemon water can also help to ease joint pain and stiffness because it can prevent the buildup of uric acid in the joints.

Daily Boost of Energy Tap Into Vitality with an energizing boost from the refreshing scent of a lemon. It stimulates physiological functions in the body. Keep your mind alert and hydrated throughout the day. The potassium in lemons can help reduce risk of anxiety. Enjoy lemon water as an afternoon healthy pick-me-up.

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