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Zivo Bioscience and Algae

Growing Sustainable Health and Nutrition Products From Algae


Non-GMO, sustainable, natural, superfood, antibiotic-free and hormonefree. These are all buzzwords used by the beauty, nutrition, and fitness industries.

Consumers want products that they can feel good about putting in, or on, their bodies. Politicians and regulators want to ensure that those products are free of harmful side effects. Businesses want products that can be produced at a consistently high-quality at the lowest possible cost. ZIVO Bioscience has such a product.

Formerly Health Enhancement Products, Inc, ZIVO Bioscience is a Michigan-based company dedicated to the study, development and commercialization of natural nutritional compounds and bioactive molecules derived from its proprietary algal strains. The company is committed to creating products that are beneficial to consumers, through promotion of health, beauty, and wellness, free of harmful side-effects, and sustainably produced.

For more than a decade, ZIVO Bioscience has worked in partnership with Arizona State University and Synthetic Genomics, Inc. (SGI) to optimize, through natural selection, a largely unknown, wild freshwater algae strain for commercial phototrophic production. The strain, which can be produced in shallow ponds made of readily accessible materials, grows rapidly, uses significantly less water- -that can be recycled multiple times- -than soybeans, can be harvested year-round, and requires significantly less energy to produce than corn or grass-fed beef, making it agriculturally and environmentally viable.

“What’s more, in powdered form, the strain contains 45% pure protein and 26% fiber, is low-odor and tasteless, all of which favors rapid adoption and acceptance by consumers,” says Andrew Dahl, ZIVO President and CEO, “It makes no difference if we could optimize the strain for sustainable production if no one would buy it—we also had to ensure that the algae was commercially viable.”

He continued, “Of course, the next question people ask us is why algae? And that gives me the opportunity to talk about the nutritional, beauty, and health benefits that algae may provide for both humans and animals.”

Specifically, the benefits offered by algaebased foods and nutritional supplements may include:

• Antioxidant activity from the non-starch polysaccharides (NSP’s) and carotenoids in algae that may incorporate collagen, lactoferrin and certain types of flavanols,

• Relief from systemic inflammation and aid to joint health from the wealth of vitamins, micronutrients, minerals and naturally-occurring, anti-inflammatory small molecular entities,

• Stress control and protection from cellular damage caused by free radicals through the inhibition of nitric oxide production,

• Optimized metabolic health through the promotion of digestive and metabolic efficiency,

• Protection from UV damage and heat stress when applied topically,

• Promotion of bovine mammary gland health and dairy production, and

• Reduction of the reliance on antibiotics for poultry growth through natural promotion of animal health

With so many potential benefits of incorporating algaebased products in human and animal nutrition, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals, we, at ZIVO, are committed to studying and commercializing our algae strain,” says Dahl. “In the future, we hope that algae-based products are a large part of the health, beauty, and pharmaceutical industries.”

ZIVO Bioscience is looking to partner with a global food or supplement company to collaborate on its human food and supplement initiative, and its livestock and companion animal feed initiative. As a clean, sustainable, non-GMO source of protein, micronutrients and support for a healthy immune response, the ZIVO strain is patent -protected and proprietary. ■



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