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Stuart Ross – Texas Steakhouse

Chef Stuart Ross has been with us at the Texas Steakout since we opened our doors. He has created our most memorable dishes and flavours which has enticed Limerick patrons to return to celebrate their life successes and celebrations with us. He has a passion for food, kebabs and always adding a little twist to a recipe. We sat down with Stuart to grill him about food.


What is your earliest memory of cooking?

“My earlier memory of cooking would have been a summer job that I had in Ted’s restaurant when I was about 14. My father knew the accountant in there, so he got me a summer job, keep me off the street for the summer, and I was on the pot wash in there for the summer. One of the chefs was out sick and I was asked to fill in, in his place so the head chef asked me if I was interested in being a chef and it took off from there. The rest is history. “

How long are you working in the Texas Steakhouse?

A long time. (Laughs) From around ’89 or ‘90 so you can do the math.”

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever recieved about cooking

“Get the simple things right and the rest will happen from there.”

What’s your favourite thing about being a chef?

“Every day is different; you won’t get bored.”

What is the strangest thing you have ever tasted?

“Strangest? Hmmm...Chef’s taste everything. I had shark once, that isn’t on menu’s in Limerick.”

What is your favourite dish to eat?

“At the moment, a good surf and turf. The one from our kitchen is exceptional”

Favourite Cuisine to cook?

“All kinds really. I suppose I like cooking Italian, the wife loves Italian food.”

Do you ever order a sneaky take away?

“Sure, we all have the odd kebab after a few beers although we shouldn’t. Chefs are the worst - great for cooking, terrible for eating.”

If you weren’t a chef, what profession might you find yourself in?

“Not sure, I probably would have got into something else creative where I could work with my hands.”

What do you make of reality shows about kitchens?

“TV is saturated with them really at this stage. Some of it is staged, I mean, they might have been different in the olden days but kitchens today are very professional places. I still watch those shows for ideas and that though. I like the Iron Chef. “

Which celebrity chefs cooking do you like most?

“Heston Blumenthal. He’s a chef’s chef.”

Finally, have you a kitchen tip for all our readers?

“Never follow a recipe to the letter. Always leave a little room to put in a little extra and a little less of something.”