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While the outdoor terrace is inspired by Roberto Burle Marx, the indoor vitrines embellish similar geometries pondered by Piet Mondrian. Both the winding paths of the terrace and the subdivided rectangles of the vitrines focus the visitor on the plantings by physically or visually immersing them in these displays.


- Led team from Concept Design through Construction Observation;

- Presented alternative concepts to the client and design architect;

- Coordinated Design Development, Construction Documents, and Bulletin sets with the lead architect and consultant teams;

- Finalized planting design and installation with Principal.

The planting plan above was informed by a ten-year study of greenroof trials designed by OvS for the Chicago Botanical Gardens. Analysis of this research allowed us to communicate the range of success our plantings would achieve according to the soil depths this structure could accommodate. Undulating topography expanded the soil depth and the garden’s success.

Looking through a window at a drift of Rudbeckia fulgida ‘American Gold Rush’ poking up between the Molina caerulea ‘Poul Petersen’ in recent weeks at this green roof on West Wacker Dr. Circuitous wooden paths through the garden open up pockets for gathering on sun-soaked days such as this.

- MJS for OvS’ Instagram