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ChatGPT: What are your general thoughts on manufactured housing?

MHInsider Publisher Patrick Revere: I think manufactured homes are a great option, particularly for buyers who want an affordable home, or need something quickly. They also work well for people who want to live in a community, like retirees, for instance. There are many buyers who purchase manufactured homes because of the industry’s sustainable practices and the energy efficiencies and technology that comes in the industry’s new homes.

Have you ever lived in a manufactured home or known anyone who has?

I’ve not lived in a manufactured home, but I would like to someday. And, yes, I have many friends growing up who lived in what we called “parks” and also friends and colleagues now who live in manufactured homes, or have a getaway home that was built in a factory.

Do you think there are any misconceptions or stereotypes about manufactured housing that should be addressed?

There are so many misconceptions about manufactured homes. If I listed them all, we would have far too long of an article here. Let’s suffice to say that manufactured homes are built with quality materials, they do maintain and increase in value, and can sustain high winds and inclement weather if properly installed and secured.

In your opinion, what are some of the advantages and disadvantages of living in a manufactured home compared to a traditional home?

In a manufactured home you can get all of the form, feature, and performance that you would expect in a standard home but at a 40 percent price break. What’s not to like about that?

How do you think manufactured housing could be improved in terms of design, quality, and affordability?

Manufactured home builders have done a tremendous job, particularly in recent years, of creating inviting and well-designed interiors, and are getting much better at enhancing a home’s architectural appeal all in the face of the undeniable challenge that comes with toting a home down highways, streets, and country roads.

When ChatGPT received the responses to the first five questions, it provided — unprompted — five follow-up questions.

You mentioned that manufactured homes can sustain high winds and inclement weather if properly installed and secured. Can you speak more to the safety and durability of manufactured homes, especially in comparison to traditional homes?

Yes, during the last 20 years regional wind zone classifications have been developed to ensure that homes that face high winds — whether in a coastal zone, or in the plains where tornadoes are common — are more securely strapped into place and stabilized to ensure resident and homeowner safety during inclement weather.

While manufactured homes offer affordability, what are some potential challenges that buyers may face when purchasing or financing a manufactured home?

Obtaining a loan for a manufactured home is a nuanced process depending on where and how the home will be placed. For instance, if the home is placed on owned property the buyer may qualify for a conventional 30-year mortgage, however financing for a home that will be placed on leased land requires a personal property loan, or chattel loan. Not every lender offers chattel loans, and typically interest rates on chattel loans are several points higher than the conventional mortgage.

How do you think the stigma around manufactured housing can be overcome or changed?

The market can be slow to move when it comes to consumer sentiment but recent research has shown that an increasing number of buyers are considering factory-built housing simply given affordability and availability considerations versus other options. Moreover, consumer feedback among younger buyers shows increasingly favorable views of manufactured homes as a quality option for affordable home ownership.

In terms of environmental impact, do you think manufactured homes have an advantage over traditional homes?

They certainly do. The efficiencies from building in a factory are well documented, and in recent years builders and community owners have placed a heavy emphasis on how energy efficient and environmentally friendly the homes are, with attributes that include everything from limited construction waste to enhanced insulation to the use of solar power and smart technology.

Lastly, what would you say to someone who is considering purchasing a manufactured home but may be hesitant due to the negative stereotypes or misconceptions surrounding this type of housing?

Just be patient and look at all of the floorplans and exterior designs. There truly is a good option for most buyers coming from the builders in our industry. From a single-section home with a front-loaded porch and a view of the water to a vast multi-section home in a city neighborhood or off a country road, the industry is creating options and winning new fans all of the time. MHV



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