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Mexico to Become an Engineering Hub: Delastek

Q: What have been the most recent changes and innovations regarding cockpit design?

A: We recently developed a cockpit for an OEM that wanted the most efficient and modern cockpit possible. Our main strength lies in our ability to start new projects using existing data but with a different approach: offering an integral solution that solves our clients’ problems. We have used our approach to develop helicopter and aircraft components, always working closely with clients to find the best solutions to their specific needs.

To achieve this, Delastek invests in new technologies and is constantly developing new processes. We are building an R&D center in Canada and we aim to introduce something similar in Mexico to be able to mix technologies and unify several processes into a single process. We are also working with materials that already exist but were not certified until recently, so few players are using them. We worked with smaller suppliers to certify those materials; the challenge was to get the certifications.

Q: How have your interior and structural components contributed to fuel efficiency and performance?

A: The industry has been focusing on fuel efficiency for many years. The best way to offer an internal structure solution to our clients is to reduce its weight. We combine new processes and technologies to reduce the total weight of the cockpit by over 25% to directly improve performance and efficiency.

Q: Why did you choose Queretaro as the base for your operations in Mexico and what benefits have emerged from this decision?

A: We decided to enter Mexico as it has a large and highly qualified workforce. We chose Queretaro for the same reason. Several companies, including Bombardier, suggested Queretaro. We also considered security when choosing the state as our base of operations in the country. Queretaro has several universities to train people. Many of these universities are implementing new engineering programs. When we first arrived in Mexico, we thought that the country was just a manufacturing hub but soon realized that it has a strong engineering capacity. Owing to this, we are not just investing in manufacturing but also in engineering in our facilities in Queretaro. We are also working with Canada to improve operations in Mexico. Several big companies are turning to Mexico to grow because its engineering capacities are continuously developing.

We are building win-win scenarios with universities. Delastek accepts students as interns, helping Mexico strengthen its engineering capacity while we become more competitive.

Q: What led Delastek to take an active role in the community surrounding it?

A: When we started our operations in 2017, we were amazed by the support that we received from the government and educational institutions, among others. Now that we are well settled in Mexico, it is natural for us to give back to the community by supporting schools and other organizations. Being a good corporate citizen is part of the family value that permeates Delastek.