2 minute read
The pandemic was a difficult time for everyone. One of the unfortunate results was the Community Legal Center had limited opportunities to meet with people out in the community. Now that it is safer for us to go out, we are thrilled to announce two new opportunities allowing us to meet the public and expand our services to meet the needs of the community. The United Way of the MidSouth and the Women’s Foundation for a Greater Memphis have graciously given us the funds to embark on two new initiatives: civil and immigration legal consultations for the families of Su Casa and estate planning advice and assistance in the 38103 and 38126 area codes.
Su Casa Partnership
Su Casa Family Ministries is a social services organization that works primarily with Latino immigrant community. They have been a partner with the CLC for many years as we both seek to assist the same population. We approached United Way of the Mid-South for a grant to bring legal services directly to their families at Su Casa. There are many people in the immigrant population that do not know their legal rights. The year-long grant will allow CLC attorneys to give presentations on legal topics, and to meet with the families individually. CLC attorneys and Department of Justice legal representatives will periodically be stationed at Su Casa to offer brief advice and represent individuals who have immigration and civil law issues.
Women’s Foundation of Greater Memphis Partnership
The Women’s Foundation of Greater Memphis has embarked on a new initiative called “Vision 2025”, which aims at increasing investment and reducing poverty in five Memphis neighborhoods by 2025. The first two zip codes that are targeted are 38126 and 38106. Estate planning (such as wills and power of attorney) is an important and valuable tool in creating financial stability for Memphis families. As part of this project, the Women’s Foundation has funded the CLC to present estate planning educational seminars to the residents in those zip codes. Many people think that because they do not have significant assets they do not need a will. However, a will helps smooth the transition of real estate after death, making the grieving process less stressful for the family. CLC staff attorneys will go to public locations in those present information regarding wills, powers of attorney, advance directives, and other estate planning topics. After the presentation, the attorneys will meet with attendees who wish to execute estate planning documents.

Through the generous funding of the United Way of the Mid-South and the Women’s Foundation of Greater Memphis, the CLC will be back in the community educating and advising the citizens of Shelby County. Community partnerships help further the goal of educating and empowering the public. If you know of a group or organization in the 38126 or 38106 zip codes that would like to host the CLC for estate planning education, please call 901-543-3395, ext. 209 or email kerryk@clcmemphis.org. You can also support our work by making a donation at https://clcmemphis.org/waysto-give/.
Kerry Krauch has been with the Community Legal Center since 2009, first as a volunteer and then as a staff attorney. A proud, lifelong Memphian, she received both her undergraduate degree and J.D. from The University of Memphis. In law school, Ms. Krauch clerked at Shelby County Probate Court for Judge Karen Webster. As an attorney, she has practiced in the areas of immigration, elder law, and general civil law. Ms. Krauch has a passion for representing disenfranchised and underserved clients.