1 minute read

Social media ‘friend’ might need a time out

Social media is like that friend who always seems to know what’s happening in the world but can also be a bit of a downer.

While social media can be great for staying connected and informed, it can also contribute to increased levels of anxiety and depression.


Fortunately, there are ways to use social media in a way that promotes positive mental health and reduces the negative effects.

To promote positive mental health on social media as OCU students, we need to take a page out of that friend’s book and practice some good habits.

First off, let’s limit our exposure to negative content by following accounts that promote mental wellness and positivity.

And if we come across something that triggers negative feelings, let’s unfollow, mute, or take a break from social media altogether.

Here are some more tips for promoting positive mental health on social media:

• Take breaks from social media to reduce stress and anxiety (and to stop that friend from dominating your time)

• Connect with others on social media in a meaningful way (let’s be honest, we all need someone to talk to sometimes)

• Practice self-care on social media (which could mean taking a break from the friend that always seems to stir up drama)

• Be mindful of the time of day you use social media (because no one wants to be

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