3 minute read

From Our CEO

Is the Hero With You Burning (Out)?

I am one of those people who puts physicians on the pedestal of our culture. As a child, that place was reserved for my father and Michael Jordan, but Jordan retired, and I’m way older. So, physicians share a sacred place in my mind and heart with my father. That’s not hyperbole – what you all do, particularly outside of the clinic, inspires me. Before becoming CEO of MMS, I certainly held physicians in high esteem, but that was based in a cultural immersion and didn’t carry the depth that it does today as I’ve only grown closer to so many of you.


Therefore, as a human, I start empathizing with you and what you endure every day. I recently attended two separate meetings with physician leaders of Methodist LeBonheur Healthcare that led to this article. In the midst of formulating the words we once again loaded the bus at our offices and headed to Nashville for TMA’s Day on the Hill. That means I am physically exhausted this morning, but on an emotional high for our work and the people we serve…YOU and your patients.

Many of you must be operating on that high level as well. You have to in order to do what you do every single day. You’re killing it at work, taking care of patients, leading your team, and showing up at that high level every single day. Christopher Reeve, Superman himself, said “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” Today, people call you “resilient” every single day. You are, and I thank you for it.

But many of you must be exhausted as well. I won’t list out all of the stressors, you don’t need to read them. You know them.

So, here comes that reminder you need and one our MMS staff hopefully hears too often from me – “Go take care of #1”. So, step down from that pedestal. Yes, you have

time. Yes, it’s worth it. The work will still be there when you get back. So, how? I can recommend any of our events as a great way to get out and see colleagues. Maybe you don’t want any semblance of work, though. Then go do something for yourself that you enjoy. For an hour, a half-day, a day, a week. And if all else fails, text our Thrive hotline at 901.286.3110 and get connected confidentially to licensed psychologist via telehealth. The first six appointments on our us, courtesy of physician donations to Memphis Medical Foundation.

Take care of yourself. I’ll be checking back in on you.

Clint Cummins, MHA CEO, Memphis Medical Society