1 minute read


First I heard about the MCT+ project on 30 May 2018 - two days after its launch. Then I joined the MCT+ Discord chat and started actively helping other users with technical issues. In mid-July 2018 I received an offer from the MCT+ founders to become a moderator of the MCT+ Discord chat and I accepted it. Accordingly, I was a moderator from mid-July 2018 to 01 July 2019, when I published the first part of my investigation about the theft of users' funds committed by the MCT+ founders. During this time I collected a huge amount of information about all aspects of the MCT+ Platform. I also tracked almost all large transactions and compiled a database of the largest MCT coin holders. It was necessary to know who was dumping their coins and thereby causing damage to the Project. I myself was one of the largest MCT coin holders and invested about 2 BTC in total, which were lost due to the illegal actions of the MCT+ founders.

The current investigation was conducted in order to bring the MCT+ founders to justice for theft and fraud.


This investigation should be given maximum publicity so that the law enforcement agencies of three countries - Austria, the UK and the US - become interested to begin their own investigation regarding the MCT+ founders.