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Leonard o ff to Germany :

Senior year is going to look just a bit different for one MCHS student.

Rising senior, Tristan Leonard will be spending next school year living abroad in Göttingen, Germany.


Leonard applied to be a foreign exchange student in December of his junior year. “The process was more strenuous than expected, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth it,” he shared. During the process he was able to pick the top five countries he wanted to study in. Happily, he got his first choice.

Leonard’s inspiration came from his sisters who have previously studied abroad. One also studied in Germany, and the other went to Croatia. He also has a love for traveling that has driven him to pursue this goal. Leonard is most excited to play soccer while abroad. Although the school he is attending doesn’t have a team, he’ll have the opportunity to play on a club team.

Leonard is also looking forward to the different food, culture, language, and opportunity to travel. Along with all the excitement also comes the anxiety. Leonard expressed his nervousness about not being able to communicate with family and friends for his first month away as well as trying to make new friends.

“I want to open my eyes to different cultures and make lifelong memories and friends,” Leonard claimed. “I also hope to use what I learn in Germany in my life once I get back to the U.S.”

Leonard will be departing for his journey in August and returning to the U.S. the following summer. Safe travels to Tristan in his year overseas!

Students interested in pursuing a study aborad experience can learn more information in the guidance office.

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