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Chaverim M’Israel

The Chaverim M’Israel (Friends From Israel) program brings two posthigh school Israelis to Cincinnati from our partner city, Netanya, Israel, and beyond. These teens have chosen to defer their Israeli Defense Forces service and come to Cincinnati for a year of community service. Through interaction and education in schools and other community events, these young emissaries help Cincinnatians form an increased awareness of and a connection with the land, culture, and people of Israel. The program is run through the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati and The Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI).

Our Chaverim M’Israel this year are Mika Ritter from Netanya, and Shachar Aviram from Ramat Gan. Mika and Shachar created this panel to represent the long-term connection between the Jewish people of Cincinnati, our partner city Netanya, and the communities throughout Israel. Although we are far apart in miles, over oceans and seas, our hearts stay close together.