1 minute read

JVS Careers con·ti·nu·i·ty


1. the unbroken and consistent existence or operation of something over a period of time:

• a state of stability and the absence of disruption

• a connection or line of development with no sharp breaks

Maimonides’ top level of charity states that the highest level of charity is to strengthen one’s hand by helping them help themselves. By doing this for another, we create a continuous loop; if one can support themself, they can support their family, and then their community. The community is then more nourished, fruitful, and vibrant. This quote wraps around a large pomegranate, whose 613 seeds symbolize righteousness, knowledge, and wisdom. The message of continuity is further symbolized in the circular, unbroken lines seen throughout the painting within the pomegranate and the stitched words of Maimonides. The mediums of choice for this piece are acrylic and thread.