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Wish Highlights

I wish to be a police officer | Noe, 11 | leukemia

I wish to be a police officer | Noe, 11 | leukemia

I wish to go to my favorite theme park | Adore, 3 | congenital heart disease

I wish to go to my favorite theme park | Adore, 3 | congenital heart disease

I wish to have a shopping spree | Weston, 15 | endocrine disorder

I wish to have a shopping spree | Weston, 15 | endocrine disorder

I wish to meet my favorite football team | Grace, 12 | gastrointestinal disorder

I wish to meet my favorite football team | Grace, 12 | gastrointestinal disorder

Meet Nadia

I wish to have a shadowed pug puppy | Nadia, 9 | cancer

I wish to have a shadowed pug puppy | Nadia, 9 | cancer

Outgoing, athletic, and bright, Nadia has accomplished so much in her nine years. She’s a talented gymnast and enjoys swimming, trampoline, and playing hide and seek with her friends. She also loves music, especially Garth Brooks’ songs! When Nadia experienced a vision problem in her left eye, her ophthalmologist discovered a malignant tumor in her optic nerve. She underwent chemotherapy after the tumor was discovered, but completely lost vision in her left eye.

When it was time to choose her one true wish, Nadia concluded that she only wished for one thing - a shadowed pug puppy! Nadia wished to have a cuddly puppy to train as a therapy dog and take to the hospital to comfort children dealing with similar critical illnesses. Since pugs naturally like to “shadow” their human best friend, this was the perfect dog for Nadia!

When it was time for Nadia to meet her new pup, she headed with her family to Banfield Pet Hospital where volunteers were waiting to greet her. There was even a red carpet! Between Nadia and her new puggle, it was love at first sight as a wide smile spread across Nadia’s face. Of course she already had a name picked out for her new companion:Garth Brooks!

According to Nadia’s mom, “Garth Brooks is the perfect addition and has brought so much joy to our little girl!”

Meet Ivan

I wish to have a shopping spree dressed as my favorite superhero | Ivan, 6 | rare genetic disorder

I wish to have a shopping spree dressed as my favorite superhero | Ivan, 6 | rare genetic disorder

Ivan broadcasts his vibrant personality for everyone to see. He loves meeting new people and never hesitates to show off his cool dance moves and singing prowess, especially to his classmates. A child full of hope and courage, Ivan enjoys playing with action figures, watching movies, and shopping with his Grandma. Despite his painful genetic condition called Epidermolysis Bullosa Dystrophica (EBD), Ivan continues to do the things he loves with a wide grin across his face every step of the way.

Living with EBD can prove quite difficult. The disease’s symptoms primarily target the skin, making it very fragile and susceptible to blistering. Minor injuries and common behaviors such as scratching can lead to severe scarring of the affected area, making simple tasks and actions much more precarious and difficult. As of yet there is no known cure for Ivan’s condition, but every year, he and his family fly up to San Francisco to a special clinic to see if there are any new advancements. Hopefully the next time he goes they’ll have great news for him.

Ivan’s wish was to have a shopping spree to get as many toys as possible. A trip to Disneyland or Legoland had sounded fun to him; however, due to Ivan’s condition, a theme park wish would conjure some unwanted health issues. So he decided on a wish that allowed him continuous fun even after the wish was over. To make the experience even more special, Ivan wanted to dress as his favorite superhero.

Having a visible health condition may seem daunting, but children like Ivan show time and time again that interior value and acceptance of identity lead the way to genuine happiness. In celebration of World Wish Day 2018, Ivan’s wish to have a shopping spree became a reality. Thanks to the support and generosity of our community, Ivan’s wish was so much more than he and his family could ever have imagined. Ivan’s mother saw a positive change in her son’s demeanor that day, and says his wish experience showed Ivan that wishes really do come true.

There are few experiences more powerful than making a wish come true.

I wish to go to Alaska | Lucas, 14 | congenital heart disease

I wish to go to Alaska | Lucas, 14 | congenital heart disease

"My favorite part of the experience was spending all of our time together, and just hanging out and having fun with each other. It was very special, and probably the best time of my life."

- Lucas, wish kid

I wish to go to the Splash Resort | Finnegan, 4 | gastrointestinal disorder

I wish to go to the Splash Resort | Finnegan, 4 | gastrointestinal disorder

"I feel that Finnegan’s wish experience has restored some of her confidence in new situations and has strengthened her ability to trust new people more. Before our trip, Finnegan exhibited a lot of skepticism and painful anxiety when visiting new places and meeting new people. But yesterday during speech, she leaned against her teacher’s arm and looked straight into her face and smiled a HUGE grin! In the past, it would have taken Finnegan months to trust someone freely enough to have physical contact. We are certain that the memories of her trip have equipped Finnegan with a happy place she can tap into when she feels unsure."

- Tara, wish mom

I wish to have a computer | Julian, 17 | leukemia

I wish to have a computer | Julian, 17 | leukemia

"When Julian asked for his wish, he was super excited to receive it especially now that he is still not able to go out in public safely. Going through all of this, I kept telling him your wish is almost going to come through, just stay positive. It made him look forward to something special. He hasn’t been this happy in a long time."

- Johanna, wish mom