2 minute read
From the President
of materials science and technology. Together, we have accomplished significant milestones and strengthened the bonds within our community, both locally and globally.

As my term concludes, I reflect with immense pride on the strides Materials Australia has made. Your passion for innovation and commitment to excellence have defined our collective journey. Together, we’ve navigated some incredibly complex challenges, embraced emerging technologies, and forged enduring connections within our diverse community. The collaborative spirit that permeates our technical society is a testament to your expertise and dedication.
as what we have all achieved personally or professionally.
Some highlights for Materials Australia this year include the signing of Memorandums of Understanding with the Indian Institute of Metallurgists, the Japanese Institute of Light Metals and the Asian Light Metals Association, (bringing together professional organisations from Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan and Australia) (see photograph). The opportunities that these relationships will afford will have a lasting impact for Materials Australia.
Welcome to the December 2023 edition of Materials Australia. The year is quickly drawing to a close, as is my tenure as President of Materials Australia—this is my final President’s Message.
It has been a fantastic opportunity for me to serve as President over the past three and a half years. As mentioned at the recent AGM, at the end of 2023, I will be stepping down from the role as National President and moving to the role of Past President. It’s been an amazing experience for me to take on this role and see the organisation move from strength to strength.
Serving as the President of Materials Australia has been an incredibly rewarding experience. I have had the privilege of working with a dedicated and talented group of individuals who share a passion for advancing the field
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each member for contributing to the success of our organisation. I am confident that Materials Australia members will continue to be at the forefront of technological advancement. I would also like to thank my employer, AWBell, for their sustained support throughout my term, enabling me to actively contribute to Materials Australia.
From 1 January 2024, Professor Nikki Stanford, CMatP, (Dean of Programs, Engineering and Aviation at The University of South Australia) will be taking over the role of National President of Materials Australia. I know Nikki will work to support the organisation in its continued growth and advocacy for the materials science and engineering community in Australia.
In the last message of the year, it is a great opportunity to look back on what we have done as an organisation, as well
We also hosted several world class conferences this year, including CAMS, APICAM, LMT and MISE. Local events have been growing in scope and attendance, and preparations are already being made for the events to be held in 2024 and beyond so keep an eye out for these opportunities.
The publications arising from our membership continue to have world class impact, such as those appearing in top ranked journals. I’m also very pleased to say that Professor Jian Feng Nie from Monash University was recently elected to the Board of Governors for Acta Materialia. This is an especially prestigious role and one we can all be proud of as it highlights another opportunity for our advocacy globally.
Materials Australia continued to work with Standards Australia throughout 2023 in a range of different committees. I would ask that our membership continues to contribute when expressions of interest are released for standards that are critical to Australian manufacturing industries.
Another topic that continued to arise this year is the registration of engineers in Victoria, in a manner similar to that already in effect in Queensland. Importantly, applications must have been received by 1 December 2023 with the Victorian Business Licencing Authority to continue working as a professional engineer, even if the application is incomplete.
As always, as we head towards Christmas and the end of the year, I look forward to catching up with many of you in the near future at our Materials Australia events. I wish you, your friends and your families all the best for 2024.
Dr Roger Lumley FTSE, FIEAust., FIMMM President, Materials Australia
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