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Ponte di Legno, Lombardia

08 ARMOUR - Riprogetto per CASA CANTONIERA on funzione ricettiva Ponte di Legno, Lombardia

CONCEPT CONCEPT CONCEPT PROGETTAZIONE DELL’ARCHITETTURA DEGLI INTERNI POLITECNICO DI MILANO A.A. 2019/2020 CONCEPT CONCEPT CONCEPT Enrico Scaramellini, Anna Ferrugiari Team: Anna Brizzolari, Marta ChiodarolI, Jill Nadine Narvaez Mendieta, Chiara Zetti


North-west elevation

A new construction project south of Milan in the heart of the Vigentino neighborhood. The project area is set on a low-traffic street just off Via Ripamonti, a long link from downtown Milan to the cities to the south.

The neighborhood is well equipped, there are parks and various businesses along the main street. The community consists mainly of elderly people and very young families who are starting to live in the area again. Boxes detail

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Londra STRUMENTI DI RAPPRESENTAZIONE INNOVATIVA DEL PROGETTO POLITECNICO DI MILANO A.A. 2020/2021 Daniele Giovanni Papi Team: Marta Chiodaroli, Beatrice Alfonso, Ludovica Mormino, Sandra Morreale

<<She was beginning to feel lost, when the chirp of a female voice called out, “Miss Oktavianni?” It was coming from above, and as she lifted her gaze, she saw a young woman in Lacoste who was watching her from the top of a narrow balcony on the second floor. He lifted his arm and did not have time to say anything, that the girl had already disappeared inside.>>

- Il cattivo maestro, first volume, pag. 146 <<Sara complimented her on the house and how well maintained it appeared. Veronique smiled openly and said something unclear about which, however, Sara merely nodded, guessing that it concerned the telephone number for emergencies, written next to the light meter. Veronique greeted her and took from a cabinet next to the door a pair of ankle boots, inside of which were stuck fuchsia-colored sequined socks, grabbed a giant black padded jacket and made to start down the staircase.>>

10 Villaggio Falck - Social analysis Sesto San Giovanni, Milano

‘We should perhaps reconfigure it in terms of a distinction between the desire to return to an earlier state or idealized past, and the desire not to return but to recognize aspects of the past as the basis for renewal and satisfaction in the future.’ nostalgia for being needed, doing a good job, youth, childhood, prosperity...

‘(...) the term had merged that desire for place with the desire for childhood – imagining that place could embody the past, and that the past could be lodged in particular places.’ URBAN SOCIOLOGY POLITECNICO DI MILANO A.A. 2022/2023 Carlos Alberto Manzano Moran Team: Marta Chiodaroli, Akkus Asu Ecem, Beqiri Xhon, Carrara Matteo, Giacchino Francesco, Iqbal Marriam, Kozak Weronika, Min Jaehee, Smoter Magda, Tschechne Albert

nostalgia is ‘a deeply social emotion’

TRAIN LINE VIALE ITALIA Falck Village has it’s own dimension, detatched Falck Village has it’s own dimension, is from the fast road and other calamities detatched from the fast road and other calamities like an island.

Industrial area it’s a wide space that extend and increase. It flattens all Industrial area is a wide space, which the noises and urban flattens all the noises and urban events. events.

‘(...) a study of the city and its representations must by definition be a study of the rhetoric of loss and of the forms of remembering that shape the way we think about and in cities.’ nostalgia --> /continuity of identity /solidarity

what is missing?

Villaggio Falck – collective nostalgia?

‘Nostalgia for the industrial past, then, involve nostalgia for a previous time –both in terms of era when workers actually produced something and a time in one’s life when work was more secure and had meaning –as well as nostalgia for the physical spaces in which this work occurred and the symbolic meanings of place that people constructed there.’

‘(...) we acquire a truly urban identity at the moment we react to change by remembring a vanished city.’

‘Such is the city evoked in nostalgic reconstructions, in which the actual urban settlement is not anymore, but emerges like a phantom from the fogs of memory (..)’ Town and urban center still dynamic and chaoTown and urban centre – dynamic and tic, restuarants and other activities face this road. chaotic, restuarants and other activties face an expressway.

1. Preservation of local community or large development and urban growth.

What are (and what should be) the cities interest, responsiblities and goals for developments such as MilanoSesto? How could the city support the existing social capital (and why should the city be interested in doing so)?

2. Political representation of potential future inhabitants and responsibilty to create new residential districts against conservation of small existing communities.

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