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Dementia Canterbury

Dementia Canterbury offers a range of services for people living with dementia.

This includes home visits and support planning with our key workers, a Living Well education programme, cognitive stimulation groups, an extensive community-based programme of activity groups in partnership with our community, community cafes and social events, and volunteer support in the home and at groups.

One of our key workers can arrange to meet you and/or your family/ whānau at your home or at the Dementia Canterbury office to discuss your situation, including any concerns and needs you may have. Key worker support enables people to access information, educational courses and materials and services from Dementia Canterbury and the wider community. Based on different choices and unique situations, a key worker will advocate on the person’s behalf when necessary and will assist in coping with change, in order to achieve the best outcome possible.

Education is also available to the wider community via our community education programme including the regions, and in sessions tailored to group need on a request/cost recovery basis. This includes sessions on brain health and risk reduction. Did you know that 40 percent of risk for developing dementia involves factors we can modify? We have also developed a specific programme for those living with or caring for someone with younger onset dementia [under age 65], which includes support, education and activity, and social connection.

Dementia Canterbury is a charity that relies heavily on the community to help support the work we do throughout Canterbury and the West Coast. We fund raise through a variety of events and activities and are always on the lookout for people or businesses who might want to help us financially, in kind, or as valued volunteers.

Dementia is not discerning – it can and does happen to anyone. If you or someone you know need support or information, please contact us on 03 379 2590 or www.dementiacanterbury.org.nz

We are here to help and to support throughout the journey.