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the new you self-improve

Lyf4u CEO, personal development coach and published author, Maree McManaway, shares her perspective as to how people can improve themselves with these five ideas.

It’s important for people to set goals in their lives because “it is the unknowing of a future that exacerbates all fears,” Maree says.

Having clear goals can give people comfort regarding what to do next, she adds.

“Goals are what I like to call your inner GPS. In your car, if you do not know where you are going, you turn to your GPS to navigate a pathway that may have otherwise been unseen.

“Your inner GPS are your Great Productive Steps, that you set for yourself to offer you confidence and assurance that you are on the right path.”

Going off of the second self-improvement idea, Maree discusses why it’s beneficial for people to challenge themselves and try something new.

If people don’t set goals, life would be boring, she mentions. What helps people have a sense of direction is breaking old patterns and thoughts, which takes 30-90 days to do.

Resetting is worth it though because, as she says, “You can reset those old ways into new and adventurous goals, to train your brain to train your actions into a new pathway going forward”.

A great way to keep learning is through repetition, she advises.

“What we do daily builds who we are and how we live.”

As it already takes 30-90 days to reprogramme old ways, what people do daily becomes a conscious habit.

“Have you ever purchased a packet of seeds… If you plant this seed, if you nurtured it with daily water and care, within a certain timeframe up shoots this glorious new green growth, expecting to flourish just for you.

“This wonderful happening occurs every day all around the world for so many people. You can start anytime, but I suggest you start today.”

Maree advises people to start by:

PREPARING YOUR MIND - This requires letting go of past limiting beliefs, and resetting new empowering beliefs and habitual memes. If you can do this on your own congratulations; if you notice that "stuck cycle" - seek help.

ASKING FOR WHAT YOU WANT - Be clear and set your GPS.


- The value of goal setting can’t be underestimated.

Another self-improvement idea is ensuring people take breaks as they should make more time for themselves.

“While many are time-poor it’s important to understand what we are doing with our precious time,” Maree says.

She estimates how much time most people would have each week. Everyone has 168 hours in the week, but not everyone uses this time productively, she says.

“The average person sleeps around eight hours per night. The average person works a 40-hour week. We still have a whopping 72 hours free. The average person wastes at least 20 hours per week.

“Many say they don’t have time for family, relationships, exercise, or time to sit under a tree and reflect. Yet they have the time to spend hours watching TV or sitting with electronic devices stuck in their hands.”

Maree thinks people should take a break from looking at their screens at least once or twice weekly.

“And notice the hours appear like magic.”

Allow 30-90 days to learn new things to help break old habits. Take a calendar and write out the public holidays, so there is something to look forward to. Plan to have a break, which doesn’t have to involve an overseas adventure, she says.

“It can be very soul-filling simply to embrace what our beautiful country has to offer. The nine famous walks come to mind. Set a goal to complete one each year.”

The last idea is about how important it is for people to be active and talk to others about their issues.

Staying active is essential as people aren’t meant to stay still, Maree says.

“Be actively involved by having a voice, which is designed to be heard.

“When we share our concerns or speak that burdens our minds, we empower others to do the same.”

To find out more about Maree’s programmes, visit: www.lyf4u.co.nz/online-programs, or to get in touch: maree@lyf4u.co.nz