1 minute read


In situations where an event affects people’s safety in their home they may opt to self evacuate or authorities will advise on evacuating. This process should be part of your plan. Pre-arrange with friends or family for you to stay with them over this period. If unable to, authorities will have alternative emergency shelter in place until either the event is over and it is safe to return home, or temporary accommodation can be arranged.

Put together an emergency getaway kit with a few basic requirements for being away from home. Have it available in a cupboard or laundry so it can be grabbed quickly. That way you’re not running around trying to find everything.

Some suggested items could be:

• Spare jacket

• Torch

• Small water bottle

• First aid kit

• Muesli bars

• Spare shoes

• Transistor radio

• Copies of important documents (insurance policy numbers)

• Medication

• Babies’ needs

• Don’t forget pets’ needs, have food and resources for your pets - they will be your responsibility.

Pin your plan to your door when leaving

Turn off water and power.

Do not turn off gas unless you smell or suspect a leak or are instructed to do so by authorities.

Note: If driving, travel at normal speed and obey road signs. Do not put your family at risk by speeding or driving recklessly.