2 minute read

Nelson Report

South Island MUNZ Women at the 2022 MUNZ National Council, from left:

Melanie Healy, Timaru Branch Secretary Shona Low, Timaru Branch President Hollianne Payne, Nelson Branch Secretary



Greetings Members. I hope everyone is in good health and kept warm during our cold and wet winter. Bargaining for the SSA award is currently underway, and I am hoping for a reasonable pay increase for our members on the wharf as we all know that the cost of living is sky rocketing.

This year’s Christmas Party is at the same venue as last year, The Honest Lawyer on 9 December 2022.

All the feedback from last year’s event was really good so we have stuck with the same venue and also the same band, with possible guest appearance by Pete R. later in the night. Nelson members bring your partners and have a Christmas drink and something to eat on us. Take Care, stay safe.


With the completion of our last fruit ship and the winding down of the Hoki season, coupled with MDF and Fertilizer ships, we have come to the end of a very busy period here at the port of Nelson.

Along with a general labour shortage, COVID, winter illness, rain and the region being in a state of emergency, has caused issues around cargo handling and transportation to and from the port.

It has made this a very challenging period.

Our company has not been alone with similar issues affecting RMTU members and their container and logging operations.

Our Employment Contract with SSA due for renewal kicked off on 10 August. I was in attendance, along with Craig Harrison, Bob Aitken and Edd Marfell.

On a final note most of you know I am of retirement age and will be leaving the industry as a full time employee but will remain on the executive till next year. In the meantime hopefully some of the younger member will step up to fill these positions. In Unity


Greetings Comrades

In May this year I took over as Branch secretary from Dean McNamara. I am originally from Wellington but now I am pleased to now call Nelson home. I hope all our members and their families are safe and well especially after the horrible winter Nelson has experienced. It has been great to meet more of our local members, and I look forward to seeing our members and their partners at the Nelson Branch Christmas Party in December.

I am pleased to be able to mention Nelson Branch jumped onboard with Delegate training in October and sent three of our branch members to Wellington to take part in the MUNZ Training course led by Fiona Mansell.

This was a great outcome and we look forward to more training to take place for more of our members next year. Nelson Branch also sent me to the WIMDOI Conference in Canberra, Australia in September, for Women Who Work In Male Dominated Industries.

It was an amazing experience, and we met some strong and inspiring women over there. We all took away a great deal of knowledge, and I look forward to taking this sharing what we learnt and putting it to good use with our own Union Women.

Nelson Branch also would like to acknowledge Kenny Knox, whose life time membership to MUNZ was recognized at the last National Council in Auckland. Well done Comrade, well earned and we are all so proud of you.

In Unity