1 minute read

Source of Income a New Protected Class

Senator Orrin Hatch & Senator Tim Kaine have introduced a bill named Fair Housing Improvement Act of 2018 S3612. This bill, while unlikely to move due to its late introduction, does raise a very concerning issue, specifically that of adding two more protected classes: Source of Income and Veterans. This bill is being watched closely and is unlikely to even make it to a committee hearing, but it has been assigned.

The Act amends the Fair Housing Act to 'prohibit discrimination based on the source of income or veteran status.' Why this is very concerning is that it would make source of income, like Section 8 Housing Vouchers a protected class, like Race, Religion or Disability among others.


So a person who rents a home would not have a choice in renting to someone with a voucher. And should that someone have some sort of life change: get a better job and earn more money or have a child reach the age of 18, they could lose all or part of their voucher and no longer be able to afford your home.

If you invest in Kansas City, the City Council is also considering making source of income in the way of housing vouchers a protected class. Be sure to follow the MAREI Blog at MAREI.org to stay up to date on this and other issues facing Real Estate Investors in Kansas City.