1 minute read

Welcome – Daan Schalk, CEO of North Sea Port

A change for the future

With the end of the year getting closer, we tend to look back. In the beginning of this year, we were all eagerly waiting for the end of the COVID-19 period. After almost two years of social distancing, working from home, adjusting processes and logistics, that much awaited end fnally came.

Spring was around the corner and we were looking forward to living in our ‘normal’ world again. This was until Russia had invaded Ukraine (again) and the world turned upside down quickly. Due to consecutive European sanctions, trade with Russia gradually came to a halt. This was also felt by companies at North Sea Port. Trade with Ukraine, one of the world’s bread baskets, abruptly stopped. Our number one trade partner was no longer wanted, and we found out that Ukraine supplies a lot more goods than we could imagine. On top of this, the energy supply was jeopardised, with rocketing energy prices and a second crisis as a result.

The war and the energy crisis are still noticeable, very much in fact. However, we also look forward with lots of hope. We see that, when looking at the throughput of cargo, 2022 will be a farming year, or perhaps even THE farming year. Of course, this sounds unbelievable in times of crises. But it is good to see that, in our port, heavy investments have been made by existing and new companies this year, which will result in hundreds of new jobs and contribute to a prosperous region.

The end of the year also makes us think back to fve years ago, when we announced the merger between the two ports and the name North Sea Port was introduced. A merger that now has resulted in many additional jobs, more transhipment of goods, large(r) investments in various sectors, cross border logistical and energy projects, extra visibility, and acknowledgement in the Hague, Brussels, and on the European stage. A merger that shows that collaboration across all kinds of borders is a change for the future. Just like we always say at North Sea Port: Together. Smarter.

With kind regards,

Daan Schalck CEO of North Sea Port
