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EDITOR’S NOTE So much is going on!

When putting together this magazine, I am always surprised by the fact that there is never a problem in finding interesting topics to write about and this issue is no exception. Whether it is about the ‘old’ oil & gas, the ‘mature’ o shore wind, or about the ‘new’ o shore floating solar, so much is going on!

For this issue, I have again talked with many interesting people who explained to me their vision and point of viewabout our industry. Special attention is given to Britta Scha meister in our O shore Industry Insights column. Inher opinion, more e orts should be made in trying to generate renewable energy as near as possible to its users, and she thinks that marine energy can play an important role in this.

A few years ago, energy islands seemed like something existing only in science fiction books. Today, however, thissupposed fiction appears to become reality with two projects that are set to be constructed soon. With these energy islands we will be able to connect the renewable power supply from various o shore sources of various countries in a more e cient way.

The second quarter of this year is well underway, meaning that a period of exhibitions slowly approaches. In this issue, the spotlights are aimed at OTC Houston and OMCRavenna. Two events that will show the opportunities of the energy transition for the industry, and that will o er ample occasions to meet and network. Perhaps we will be able to meet in Ravenna, or at one of the many other events taking place soon.

Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy reading this magazine. And whenever you have any interesting novelties about your company, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be pleased to write about it!

Kind regards,