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Scholar stories: jasmine Stuart

“On Thursday I faced court for stopping a coal train along with 50 other people in April. We were hoping for no convictions recorded (a Section 10 for the lawyers amongst you) but ended up with convictions and fines which some of us will be appealing. And now as a convicted criminal I can say I've never felt more proud and certain of my actions. I've always been passionate about addressing climate change and been involved with various groups, but always struggled with feeling like nothing I did made a difference. Then I joined Rising Tide. This is a group of incredibly passionate people who have decided that they are not going down without a fight, and who genuinely believe that collectively we have the power to make change. We've held public rallies, movie nights, a dawn vigil on World Environment Day, stopped a coal train, made international media, and in future we have a webinar with Bob Brown, a town hall meeting and a two day flotilla on the harbour planned. I can't wait to see what we achieve next.”

For more info, visit Rising Tide or reach out to Jasmine Stuart
