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How to Decide That You Kid Requires Chemistry Tuition

Chemistry is an interesting and meaningful subject, but it is also no walk in the park. This is one subject that requires a lot of memorization and the rigorous application of theory which are required if you want to get good grades. The trouble with chemistry in Singaporean schools that students come across really tough chemistry topics only in the secondary 3 while preparing for their O levels. Luckily however, there are some really good tuition centres that help students to excel in this subject.

You need to pay attention to your kids in order to understand that they require extra help in this particular subject. Look for the following signs which prove that you should look for the best chemistry tuition Singapore for your kid.


Low grades in this subject – the first thing that you will notice is that your child’s performance in chemistry is waning and is lower compared to other subjects. This is one of the main signs that your kid requires a tutor to help them in this subject because they are facing difficulties.

Procrastination – If your child puts off doing chemistry assignments regularly, then the consistent postponing of chemistry assignments also shows that your kid is finding it difficult to get his or her head around this subject.

Lack of confidence – Of course everyone needs some time to become confident in a new concept and may show some apprehensions. However, if your child is consistently showing lack of confidence when it comes to chemistry, then it is necessary to take a look around you and find the best chemistry tuition Singapore.

There is a choice between one on one classes and group tuitions in Singapore. In fact, you can even find tuition centres that provide online tuitions, where you child can learn this tough subject from the comfort of their home. Hence, pay attention to your kid and choose the best tuition centre that is suitable to him or her.