1 minute read

Pleased to Meet You!

By Kayla Peard

Iam so excited to be your new Vice President of General Music 6–12! While my background has primarily been in band and some K–5 general music, I have always loved the general music classes I teach at the high school level. The general music class at the middle and high school levels allows us to connect with students we might not see in our traditional ensembles. Whether it is guitar, piano, music technology, music theory, music history or appreciation, electric guitar building, etc., these classes enable us to reach students who might have never entered our class- rooms otherwise.


When looking ahead to the Spring conference, I am excited to pick engaging sessions that will also help you right away. Please send me suggestions of what YOU want to see at the conference. Is traditional guitar or piano something you need more knowledge about? Or would you like to create a music technology lab and class? Or a digital composition class using Soundtrap? These are my ideas for sessions, but what will help you?

The term General Music at the secondary level has many interpretations. Our job is to find an interpretation that allows us to reach our students in our buildings. Please reach out to me with any questions or thoughts you have. I am excited to help make this the best conference it can be! n