8 minute read

Madhurima Tuli Wild Encounter

Yes, I have encountered the casting couch twice! ” – Madhurima Tuli

In a fun-filled conversation with Sumita Chakraborty, the sensual Madhurima Tuli talks about films, casting couch, sexual fantasies and more.


“ I want to be marooned on an island with Hrithik Roshan. ”

She’s debuted in Bollywood in the film Baby opposite Akshay Kumar. But she became the the talk of the town when she walloped ex-boyfriend Vishal Singh on the rear with a frying pan in Bigg Boss and was chucked out because of her ‘violent’ behaviour. Spunky, sassy and super sexy, the gorgeous Madhurima Tuli explores her dark side – fantasies, dreams and more…

You became an actor because…?

I became an actor because I always was fascinated by the idea of glamour and the idea of playing various characters. I wanted to be Miss India but that didn’t happen. So I pursued modelling and then acting happened. Acting is not just about glamor, it’s a lot of hard work, patience, and perseverance. You have to give your life, your faith and belief here otherwise, it’s really very difficult.

You’ve worked in regional movies too, tell us about that?

I have worked in four different languages in movies. They are not very different. They are all movies and you are working in front of the camera. The people are different. The culture is different. Though we all are Indians, we are all from a different culture. That’s all. However, we are professionals and down south, they are also very professional. It’s great fun to work in good content and we know that content is the only hero. The content is different otherwise it’s the same.

You have done movies and television, what do you think about the digital platform?

I have done movies and TV both. Digital platforms have become a huge hit too. Every actor is coming on this platform and that’s the best part. They are coming out with great content. Now-a-days, people mostly are watching digital series. I too am currently doing a digital webseries for Applause Entertainment. So hopefully, it should come out soon.

The film you absolutely loved working on…

…Baby. My all-time favorite director Neeraj Pandey directed it and it had Akshay Kumar who is my all time favorite actor. These two were the huge pluses. I always wanted to do a good big film. Though my role wasn’t big enough I am quite content as it finally shaped up well. The second is Warning - that’s also one of my most favourite films. It was a youth-centric and very challenging. We shot in Fiji for 53 days and we were in the water in the middle of the ocean for almost 40 days. We got tanned, there were jellyfish. We got stung by jellyfish but we never gave

“ I am a very passionate lover. ”

up… and that is something which will always remain special to me.

The character you thought suited you to the ‘T’:

The character which I played in Warning suited me to the T. She was a lawyer - a confident independent woman. She had her own mind. She was hardworking and she never gave up. So I could relate to it as I am somewhat that. So I loved playing the character. 43

“ I saw Fifty Shades Of

Grey for the sex as it was promoted as such but it had beautiful emotions in it. ”

The most wonderful thing about being an actor is….

You can play different roles. You can be a doctor, magician or anything. It’s about how you take the character. Also travelling to different places is also one of the perks of being an actor.

What is the worst possible thing about being an actor?

One wrong move you make, and you fall hard. The audience stop accepting you. They criticize you. How you take it is im- portant. You fall a lot. Some go into depres- sion and such things. But that’s a phase and like we say, everybody has ups and downs and it will pass. You just have to be strong. You must be patient.

What are the three most essential things you carry along with you all the time?

My wallet, my mobile, and my charger.

What in a man turns you on?

I think how he behaves with a woman, his odor and his sense of humour.

What in a man turns you off?

Lies and dirty nails.

What’s the mantra to impress the oppo- site sex according to you?

There is no mantra to impress the opposite sex. Just be who you are. If the right person likes you, it’s just going to happen. The magic just happens. So just be yourself and if someone has to like you, he will like you for just the way you are.

Have you ever been hit on by the same sex? What was your reaction?

I have been hit on by the same sex. I was a little taken aback. But then again, they are also human beings. So once you break that ice, they are amazing people. It’s nice to be hit by the same sex.

“ I am hard working but I am a bit lazy as well. ”

When was the last time a guy or a girl chased you? Or you chased someone?

The last time a guy chased me was during one of the shows I did. I asked him to stop and when he stopped, I chased him… so yeah that was it.

Which is the most awful one-liner you have come across or used till date?

There have been people who have said awful one-liners but I don’t really remember. There have been some cheesy people who say things which just disgusts you and it’s a turn off. 45

A situation you felt awkward in?

It was when this guy was chasing me, he used to sing songs with all the DOPs and I was embarrassed. So I asked him to stop. So he stopped. But then that’s what I was enjoying. So I asked him to be the same fun loving guy he was.

Have you ever drunk dialed anyone?

Yes, I had drunk dialed my boyfriend once. That was the first and the last time.

What’s the most awful situation you faced in Bollywood?

The casting couch.

Bollywood’s dreaded casting couch has reared its ugly face many-a-times. Have you faced it?

Yes, I have faced the casting couch. It’s very, very ugly. These people don’t understand where the girl or boy is coming from. They just hit on you in such a sleazy way. It makes you completely numb. You are left with no words. You are here to work and not to give pleasure. That’s something which is very very wrong. It shatters your confidence and self-respect. It happened to me twice - and I was scared of men for a year and a half. It took me a while to get back. It just shatters your confidence and its a terrible thing to do to anybody.

As an actor, what are your three most valuable strengths…

The three most valuable strengths I have is - hard work, patience and maybe, my smile.

As a person, what are your three biggest weaknesses?

The biggest weakness would be I think I sometimes think too much. I am hard working but I am a bit lazy as well.

If marooned on an island, which actor would you want to be with?

I want to be with Hrithik Roshan.

In a relationship, would you be a daunting or chilled out partner?

In a relationship, I am a chilled out partner but I am a little possessive but otherwise, I am quite easy.

Have you ever been cheated on and at what age? What was your reaction?

I was cheated on by one of my boyfriends. I was

“ The casting couch is very very ugly. ” 24-25. It was not a good phase. I lost trust in men. But now I have moved on and not every man or girl is like that.

What kind of a lover are you?

I am a very passionate lover. I am an extremist. I don’t care or think about the world. I just want to be with that person. I want to grow with him and do everything possible with him. So yeah that’s what I feel love is about. Being with the person, caring and being happy.

What is the first thing you notice in the opposite sex?

His behaviour and overall persona.

What’s your take on open relations?

For me, it’s a big no but there are some people who are very comfortable with that. For me, there is no security in it. For it to happen, both the partners have to be so evolved and secure to be in an open relationship but I cannot be in an open relationship.

Which is the strangest place you’ve made out in?

I haven’t experienced the strangest place to make out yet. It still is on its way and hopefully soon.

A film you saw only for the sex in it?

It would be Fifty Shades Of Grey as it was promoted as such but it had beautiful emotions in it.

What’s your perfect date like?

My perfect date would be somewhere out of town near a beach or a mountain. Candlelight dinner under the stars with beautiful breeze and great food. That would be my perfect date.

If you had to describe yourself, what would it be?

I am fun loving yet at times shy. Hardworking and loving. I am sometimes selfish but more of time, loving and a go-getter.