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4 Ways A Diabetologist Can Help One Live Better With Diabetes

WHO defines diabetes as "a chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces." It is majorly a lifestyle disorder caused by an unhealthy way of living. It is believed that once a person starts suffering from diabetes, it is very difficult to cure it. However, with healthy living and corrective measures, it is possible to keep blood sugar levels in control. But what are those measures?

In this blog, the expert team of the best diabetologist in Hyderabad at Magna Centre explains the diabetes, its causes, and its symptoms. This blog will also help our readers understand the ways in which a diabetologist at Magna Centre can help one manage diabetes and live a healthy life.


What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a disease characterized by elevated blood sugar levels. This issue develops when insulin's function is impaired. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas. It facilitates the process by which glucose is transformed into energy. However, glucose does not get converted into energy when its function is impaired. Instead, it remains in circulation, leading to complications of diabetes as the blood glucose level rises.

Types of Diabetes

There are two main types of diabetes - Type 1 and type 2 diabetes, as described below:

⚫ Type 1 Diabetes: The inability to produce insulin is considered type 1 diabetes. In this, the body's immune system targets and destroys the insulin-producing pancreatic cells. Rapid onset of symptoms is a common characteristic of type 1 diabetes. Even though it can develop at any age, type 1 diabetes is typically diagnosed in children and young people.

⚫ Type 2 Diabetes: In type 2 diabetes, the body is unable to utilize insulin properly and maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Nearly all (95%) patients with diabetes are diagnosed with type 2. It takes time to develop; therefore, adults are typically the ones who are majorly diagnosed with it; however, now, even children and young adults are also becoming prone to it. Therefore, it is suggested that if one is at risk, they must check their blood sugar, even if they have no symptoms.

Causes of Diabetes

Both types of diabetes are caused because of different reasons, as explained below.

❖ Type 1 Diabetes: Researchers and medical professionals have yet to pinpoint the particular etiology of type 1 diabetes. For some reason, the immune system targets and destroys beta cells in the pancreas that make insulin.

In some cases, heredity may be a factor. Scientists believe that genetic components and environmental triggers (such as viruses) may contribute to developing type 1 diabetes.

❖ Type 2 Diabetes: Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle disease and may develop due to many reasons, which include:

⚫ Obesity

⚫ Lack of physical inactivity

⚫ Genetics

⚫ Insulin resistance

⚫ Unhealthy lifestyle.

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes

Following could be the common symptoms of diabetes that the patients might experience:

⚫ Feeling thirsty/dry mouth

⚫ Frequent urination

⚫ Increased appetite

⚫ Tiredness

⚫ Blurred vision

⚫ Numbness or tingling in feet or hands

⚫ Slow wound healing

⚫ Weight loss/gain

⚫ Frequent vaginal yeast infection.

Note: The readers need to understand that symptoms of low blood sugar may differ from high sugar symptoms. Therefore one must always consult a diabetologist before taking any of the symptoms mentioned above as a sign of diabetes.

Normal Blood Sugar Level

Here we are giving information about standard diabetes blood sugar charts for type 1 and type 2 diabetes. From these data, it can be ascertained what the sugar level should be. If the sugar level is more or less than the figures mentioned below, then definitely take medical advice.

Type 1 Diabetes:

Type 2 Diabetes:

How Does a Diabetologist Can Help?

Diabetologists are medical professionals with specialized training in the diagnosis and management of diabetes mellitus. Diabetologists at Magna Centre can help one live a healthier life with diabetes mellitus, as it is a lifelong condition that comes with a plethora of accompanying issues. Here are some ways in which a diabetologist might assist one in managing the condition:

1. Diagnosis

Any effective strategy for prevention or therapy must begin with an accurate diagnosis. Hence, the expert diabetologist in Hyderabad at Magna Centre applies their extensive training and expertise to determine the presence and severity of the condition. In order to do so, the diabetic health check package offered at Magna includes the following:

⚫ Retina examination using a fundus camera,

⚫ A vibration perception threshold examination,

⚫ A foot risk assessment in selected patients,

⚫ 12 ECG in addition to routine blood work.

The other annual health check examinations include:

⚫ Urine routine

⚫ Lipid profile

⚫ Serum creatinine or estimated GFR

⚫ Complete blood count

⚫ Liver enzymes.

2. Prevention

Treatment can be more effective if a correct diagnosis is made quickly after the first symptoms appear. Diabetologists typically advise patients to take specific preventative actions to limit or delay the progression of diabetes. Endocrinologist in Hyderabad typically advises patients to take the following preventative steps:

⚫ Trying to maintain a healthy weight

⚫ Exercising for 30 minutes at least thrice a week

⚫ Include foods like fish and vegetable oils in the diet

⚫ Quickly give up using tobacco products and alcohol

⚫ Cutting back on soda, other sugary drinks, red meat, and other high-fat foods.

Here are some healthy food options that one can include in their diet:

⚫ Green vegetables like – broccoli, carrot, chili, tomato, potato, green peas, and corn.

⚫ Fruits like – apples, bananas, grapes, oranges, and berries.

⚫ Oats, rice, barley & high fiber bread

⚫ Whole wheat pasta

⚫ Fish

⚫ Chicken

⚫ Egg

⚫ Low-fat milk & yogurt

⚫ Nuts.

3. Treatment:

When the disease has progressed to a more severe level and requires treatment, diabetologists use the most appropriate approach to management for each type of diabetes.

Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Hyderabad

Diabetologists assist their patients in the following ways throughout the management of type 1 diabetes mellitus:

⚫ Lifelong insulin injections or the use of an insulin pump therapy to replace insulin.

⚫ Routinely checking glucose levels

⚫ Advising a balanced and nutritious eating routine

⚫ encouraging regular physical activity and fitness.

When it comes to controlling type 2 diabetes, the following are some methods by which diabetes mellitus specialists can assist their patients:

⚫ Provide customized meal programs for managing diabetes and obesity

⚫ Recommend routine physical activity and exercise to help insulin function more effectively