2 minute read

Maggie. The Magazine.

Bad business habits can be detrimental to your success as an entrepreneur or business leader. If you want to improve your performance and achieve better results, it's essential to identify and break these habits.


Procrastination is a common bad habit that can severely impact your productivity and success in business. When you put off important tasks, they tend to pile up, causing stress and anxiety. To break this habit, you can start by creating a to-do list of tasks that need to be completed, prioritise them, and set deadlines. It would help if you also tried to identify what triggers your procrastination, such as fear of failure or boredom, and address it accordingly.


Communication is key to success in any business. If you have a habit of not communicating effectively with your team, customers, or suppliers, it can lead to misunderstandings and mistakes. To break this habit, you should make an effort to communicate more often and clearly. You can schedule regular team meetings, use communication tools like Slack or email, and be transparent with your stakeholders.


If you don't have a plan, you're planning to fail. Lack of planning is a bad habit that can lead to missed opportunities and poor decision-making. To break this habit, you should create a strategic plan for your business, set goals and objectives, and establish a roadmap for achieving them. You can also track your progress regularly and make adjustments as necessary.


Micromanaging is another bad habit that can undermine your team's trust and productivity. When you micromanage, you create a toxic work environment that can stifle creativity and innovation. To break this habit, you should learn to delegate tasks to your team members and trust them to get the job done. You can also set clear expectations and guidelines, provide support and feedback, and allow your team members to take ownership of their work.


Multitasking is a bad habit that can negatively impact your productivity and focus. When you try to do multiple things at once, you end up doing none of them well. To break this habit, you should focus on one task at a time, prioritise your tasks, and eliminate distractions. You can also try the Pomodoro technique, where you work in 25-minute intervals with breaks in between.