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Reid Honeycutt

With this video entitled "Cycles in the search for completeness", the artist Reid Honeycutt presents himself at the third international exhibition proposed by M.A.D.S. Art Gallery, "Emerging". Techniques used include computer programming using a java-based framework called processing, as well as some film fragments and image processing techniques. The artist works mainly with programming and many of his works, such as this one in particular, are interactive and have the aim of fully involving the viewer in all senses. His works are interactive, dynamic, fast. The eye perceives the different movements that are accompanied by a sound. The artwork offers a motion-responsive view. Images are as important in his work as sound: every image that the author presents reacts to sound in different ways, creating an extremely refined and studied combination. He presents a sort of "sound art", which plays an important role in significantly illustrating through his work some different aspects of the debate on the ontology of sound and on the phenomenology of sound listening. The artist manipulates the sensory experience of sound, brings out the hidden aspects, restructures the way the viewer perceives it, focuses the attention of the user. In this way the artist directs the attention of the listener/ spectator on unusual aspects of the sound, also using the sound as an instrument of activation of his aesthetic sensitivity.

Art Curator Laura Faccioli
