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Greta Schnall

The artwork "Bunte Fensterphantasie" explores another connection between architecture and futuristic movement but through a geometric and emotionally rich approach. In this piece, the artist uses colors such as black, purple, green, and shades of white and orange to create a complex and engaging visual effect. The geometric arrangement of shapes and colors generates a sense of dynamism and depth in the artwork. The architectural elements almost come to life and move in space, conveying a sense of movement and vitality.Both of Greta Schnall's artworks presented at the "EMERGING" exhibition showcase her mastery of digital techniques and her ability to create connections between architecture and futuristic movement. The artworks capture attention with their bold use of color and intricate composition. Schnall creates an immersive visual experience that invites the viewer to explore the connections between form, color, and movement. Her work demonstrates great emotional and conceptual depth, offering the audience an opportunity to reflect on the intersections between the simplicity of everyday life and the futuristic vision of the world.

Art Curator Martina Viesti
